in HeartChurch3 years ago

We live by faith because although we do not see things, we believe we see them in due time because faith is the certainty of what is expected, the conviction of what is not seen and this is God's gift to a people on whom he has had mercy and He has given us his grace, a grace unknown to many but longed for by others who know that he needs that grace to be able to live.


Hebrews 4:16
So let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace to help us when we need it most.

Approaching God allows us to access that wonderful grace that our father grants us because we all need it in this life to sustain us

"Grace in the Bible. In the Old Testament it implies, first of all, a magnanimous attitude of gratuitous benevolence on the part of God that is later concretized in the goods that the recipient of such grace obtains. That is, it underlines on the one hand the humility of the person. recipient and the gratuitousness of the gift ".

The grace of God is the gift of God that elevates the rational creature to the supernatural, making her his daughter and participating in his life. The grace of God does not refer solely and exclusively to the forgiveness of God but also to the salvation of man, teaching man to reject worldly desires and impure acts.

The exhaustion of the Christian will never become absolute, God will always have enough grace to sustain him, at any time and in any circumstance since the only thing that sustains us with a correct attitude towards life is the grace of God

Titus 2: 11-12
In truth, God has manifested to all mankind his grace, which brings salvation and teaches us to reject ungodliness and worldly passions. So we can live in this world with justice, mercy and self-control.

By grace we come to honor God and know his principles to obey them because although we certainly do not deserve it, our eternal father has manifested his grace to all humanity but unfortunately not all receive it. One of the prerequisites for a holy life is the grace of God since it teaches us to take us to a new level of life and gives us the blessed hope that we are privileged to be able to enjoy his presence by grace.


Gods grace never fails

Él siempre nos da nuevas fuerzas para avanzar

Amen, praise God.

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