in HeartChurch4 years ago


Faith of life is a certificate that is requested from people who are entitled to a benefit from government bodies here in my country, with this document it is shown that the person is alive and that they can give him the benefit. do not receive that blessing, thinking about this put this message.

In the kingdom of heaven we do not call it faith of life, we call it tests of faith, we are subjected to adverse situations and there we must demonstrate that we believe in the word of God to be creditors of divine blessing, this is a time to bring That faith of life to God, here I am, Lord still alive and with a violent faith to snatch.God does not send illnesses, but takes advantage of this circumstance to prove ourselves in faith, it is there where we have to be brave and believe that the Lord is with us, the righteous by faith will live, the way to prove faith is by overcoming every circumstance, it is an examination to pass, beloved brothers, adhere to the faith in Jesus and snatch your salvation, your healing, your freedom, nothing that happens will harm us. We can overcome everything in the name of Jesus.


In Venezuela the document to demonstrate the faith of life is similar to the previous image, filling out those fields and attaching some proof is the guarantee that you have life and you have the right to receive benefits, if so in the natural field imagine how much it will be worth in the Heaven when we act with supernatural faith, faith will be tested in different tests, it is not a time to flee to be afraid, this is a time of courage, God has promised a life plan for everyone who believes.

"Faith, then, is the certainty of what is expected, the conviction of what is not seen."
Hebrews 11: 1

Faith in God is a life-saving power. It is not a feeling, but if we choose to have faith, to trust God - the Master Builder who guides everything in heaven and on earth - then we are freed from worry in our lives. God has a perfect plan for us in everything he sends our way. He sends us tests and tests us, so that we can overcome sin and that the virtues of Jesus can grow in us. We know that we do not have to be confused in our own strength. 2 Chronicles 16: 9 says, "For the eyes of the Lord look upon the whole earth, to show his power for those who have a perfect heart toward him."
There are countless examples of miracles that God performed, through and for the heroes of the faith. And yet, the greatest miracle of all is the miracle that God performed in Jesus, and He will do it in each one of us that we believe.







la fe verdaderamente cambia la vida. la fe en cristo transforma la vida, vivimos por fe y por medio de ella las cosas cambian, como lo menciona al final del articulo, la fe cambia las cosas. sigamos creciendo en la fe sin la cual es imposible agradar al Señor.

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