in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5: 3)"

Blessings brothers of @Steemchurch we are beginning our analysis of the Beatitudes in the order that was said by Jesus, for me the first of them is one of the most important, since from there, they feed and All the other Beatitudes are linked to this !!

It is not chance, but divine purpose, that God has placed in the heart of a man like @SirKnight this name for what will be a blessing for multitudes like the (SMT), without a doubt the names mark the destiny of the things, and in this case in particular Beatitude = happiness.

If he was chosen for this task, when I think of the first beatitude, I can not help but imagine that this is one of the characteristics of @Sirknight, "Poor in spirit"; otherwise, he would not have been able to see what God had sown in his heart.

The Beatitudes represent the character of a Christian, and represent unnatural spiritual characteristics. In all this time we have seen what is in the heart of @SirKnight has been an example for us of what a person who is poor in spirit can do:

  • Being poor in spirit refers to the humble heart that has been touched by God.
  • Recognize publicly when you have made a mistake.
  • Has a good internal attitude of the heart in relation to God and his neighbor accordingly.
  • He has received the word of God and put it to work.
  • He loves God and knows that with him he can do everything.

Most people and perhaps Christians have not meditated from the heart what this bliss means, and it is one of the things that we as imitators of Christ should practice, I am not telling you with this, that we can not make mistakes, make mistakes, I am simply saying that the poor in spirit are those who are capable of recognizing that without God, we are nothing.

When I was meditating how to write this message and apply it to the world today, God immediately made me think of a man who has put the best of his effort to bless the lives of many, who is passionate about Kingdom things, who dreams of make many people happy, this message, which is the first of the Beatitudes, I dedicate to you @SirKnight: for being as you are, a man according to the heart of God, and sure of every day, he will add what is needed so that fulfill that purpose for which you are here. The Beatitudes will be like a ladder in your life, Beatitudes (happiness) will follow you every day and you will be fortunate, because God has placed you in front of a people, so that you build lives, your greatest reward It will not be material but spiritual, just as there are people who will pass and will not have any effect, there are men and women with multiplying effects of what you have sown in them, which will be translated into love for you, genuine love, love that until now you begin to feel, love of the spiritual children that God has placed in your life.

Thank you because through you, we have seen the greatest example of the character of a Christian, thank you for letting us see that man "poor in spirit" of whom the Lord speaks.

A person who prefers sensitivity and feelings before vain things, which do not edify, so a poor person in spirit, someone who adopts aptitude and willingness to exercise a certain function without the "I" interposes.
A person poor in spirit is the person who is clothed with humility, disinterested, generous ... is a very detached person, does not mind sharing everything for nothing and meets the characteristics of the other Beatitudes. Unlike Luke, Matthew specifies that poverty is of spirit, and that even being rich in possessions, one can be poor in spirit.
In the same way there are many poor people who have been financially and lack spiritual poverty, because the poor in spirit is a virtue that has been given by God, someone who has recognized his spiritual misery, has been deprived of all pride and has come to be full of God's spirit.

The book of Isaiah 66: 2 "My hand was all these things, and all these things were, says the Lord, but I will look to him who is poor and humble in spirit, and who trembles at my word.

Promise of blessing for the poor in spirit: my eyes will be upon you.

The book of Revelation 2: 9 tells us: "I know your works, and your tribulation, and your poverty of spirit (but you are rich), and the blasphemy of those who claim to be Jews, and they are not, but synagogue of satan
Certainly the poor in spirit has nothing to do with poverty or material wealth, in this it is clearly understood that the message that Jesus Christ gives to the church in Smyrna, tells them that because they are poor in spirit, they are rich.
The poor in spirit are not people who boast of false poverty, nor humility, they are people who demonstrate their aptitude through the work that Jesus Christ has done in his life.

Starting today, you can get a message of each Bliss on the page:, and in the following days we will post our messages as follows:
1.-You can see the referential message of the day on the website.
2.-Download or copy the video from the page or youtube.
3.-Each publication must have the title Day: title of bliss.
4.-You can share the way to apply that bliss in the present, its meaning. or simply a testimony of life.

With love,


Very sincere words, Apostle Darlenys. SK for being humble has received the spiritual wealth of our Lord Jesus Christ, I believe faithfully that is an example for this generation, not only to give their money to the poor, but to love Christian values and want a better world.

Good dedication

Wow! incredible dedication Apostle Darlenys. I am in total agreement with you, SirKnight is a good friend with a heart full of Christ. I admit that the little I know about Him is very polite and kind. God bless you

The New Testament of our Bible says that the greatest wealth comes from within us, because happiness does not depend on external circumstances but on our inner self. Great ideas and a wonderful dedication, we know that @sirknight has those characteristics that make him poor in spirit, great my dear apostle @darlenys01! God bless you all!

Mat 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart; and you will find rest for your souls.Thank you dear Apostle @darlenys01 every day you teach us more about the word of God with real examples, like the case of our leader @sirknight, he is a man of simple heart,

the essence of the beautitudes, sometimes I look at the beautitudes concept and I discover the poor in spirit, this signifies total humility absolute kindness and the kind of heartfelt warmness being displayed by @sirknight

Apostle @darlenys01 what a wonderful message, it really seems incredible how you can put those words so perfect at the right time, @sirknight sure you will like it very much, the poor of spirits, will see God.

Great ideas come from the blessings of our God to all of us. Very good dedication, because @sirknight has proven to be poor in spirit as we have said has those immense characteristics that make it be poor in spirit. Excellent my dear apostle @darlenys01, we are sure that many people will share their idea with their opinions on bliss and the message "Blessed are the poor in spirit" because the word says that theirs is the kingdom of heaven. God bless you!

Wise words apostle darlenys, the poverty of spirit is an attitude of the soul and those who exercise it are blessed, because certainly sirknight leader has proved to be a fit person for the beatitudes of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This message is deep in spirit, thanks dear sister for making my day. Greetings.

Greetings and Blessings beloved Apostol @darlenys01, certainly you have all the reason our beloved @sirknight has this great characteristics of being poor in spirit, I'm sure he will be blessed by God in a powerful way.

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