¡Although there is darkness in the world we have hope!

in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)

Hope is an optimistic state of faith and spirit based on the expectation of favorable results related to events or circumstances of life itself or the world as a whole.

Humanly, every person should live in hope, but it really is not. Many people today live without hope due to the chaos that day by day they live in society coupled with the loss of values ​​that has intensified in the world.

The Royal Spanish Academy defines hope as "State of mind that arises when what is desired is presented as achievable" and Christian hope as "In Christian doctrine, a theological virtue by which God is expected to give the goods he has promised".

The Bible teaches us that because evil has multiplied, the love of many will grow cold and certainly evil has diversified in the world that has reached all levels of society creating a series of anti-values ​​that today predominate in the world but in this situation There is a people aware of this reality, a people that has decided to put their hope in God and we live in it.
For this reason the world may be in darkness but we have hope

Isaiah 60: 2
2 For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and darkness the nations; but the Lord will dawn upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you.


These are the promises of God for a people who believe them because we know that even if there are problems even if there is chaos in the land although everything is difficult even if there is darkness around us we must trust that our God is greater than any problem than any chaos.

God has called us to enjoy his promises in times of adversity or in difficult times as well as in abundance or in times of prosperity. He has promised to enable us to live every occasion and even more so in times of darkness on earth.

We must trust God and take refuge in his promises so that we can rest from our emotions from our afflictions by casting our anxieties on him and he will give us what is promised and give us rest in the midst of chaos.

We must feed our hope in God and not in men so as not to live a frustrated hope because men disappoint and frustrate but God never disappoints you

Proverbs 13:12
Frustrated hope afflicts the heart;
the wish fulfilled is a tree of life.
( NIV)

In this way the book of proverbs describes despair but exalts hope in God which is like a tree of life that bears much fruit.

Romans 5: 5
And this hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has given us.

Hope in God will never disappoint us because he is faithful and has poured his love into our hearts through the holy spirit so that we can enjoy his promises and his blessings hoping with faith and conviction that he is real and will fulfill what Has promised.

Beloved brother and friend, today more than ever we have to trust in his promises and take refuge in his word in order to overcome all adversity, let us honor Christ as Lord in our hearts and be always ready to respond to everyone who asks them for the reason for the hope that there is in us




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