in #motivational7 years ago

Knowing who your boss/leader is at first

Ok, so your boss is a jerk and you can’t stand working under such a weasel and you’ve just got to tell everyone you met with a fool this boss is. Yes? No . wrong, wrong, wrong. You do not bad-mouth your boss under any circumstances. Ok so your whole team knows your boss is useless and they make that clear to you. Do you agree? No, you do not. Never, ever. If you can’t find anything good to say, then don’t say anything at all. You do not slag them even if they deserve it, or you feel they do anyway.


Do your job

Your boss is your boss. If they are dreadful don’t work for them, go look someplace else. If you are going to work for them then that is your choice and you have to stick with it, support it, believe in it-or you’ll go mad. If your boss is a nightmare it is your job to turn that around. Get them to trust you. Then get them to delegate to you, then get them to hand over responsibility to you, then replace them, simple, isn’t it? Obviously not, but these are steps you must take if you are serious and committed.

Be loyal to your boss, it comes with a price

Watch what you say about your boss in case it gets back to their own boss - who might just be a fan of your boss and not take kindly to you bad-mouth them. After all, they put them there and for you to publicly question that decision leaves you in a precarious situation yourself. I once worked for a complete son of a …..who drank, kept bad company and didn’t even know if it was morning or night most of the time. Someone complained about him to head the office and a deputation was sent down to make the statements. Twelve junior managers, including myself, were questioned about his behavior. I refused to co-operate and said nothing. A year later my boss was still there and I was still there but 11 other junior manager no longer worked for the company. Moral: keep shtum if you can’t be nice. How come he survived? Beats me. He obviously had juice in the right places. How did I survive? No ideas. He trusted me and I kept my head down and got on with my job; his behavior didn’t affect me unduly and I coped.

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