6 Wonderful things that happen to YOU when you love yourself!

in #life7 years ago


If we have relationships, whether friendly, partnership or family, we usually take this relationship carefully. Especially when people are particularly close to our hearts. And how is that with your relationship to yourself? Do you care for your own relationship with yourself? Self-love or self-acceptance means taking self-understanding and treating oneself just as well as you do with others. Loving yourself is an important part of your health and not only affects your psyche, but can also have positive effects on your body. This is precisely why we have listed here 6 wonderful things that happen to you when you manage to accept yourself and love.


Loving yourself will help you reduce your ratings and prejudices. Especially against you. You can face mistakes and weaknesses, as you can love them independently. Maybe you know that you have to do something or have to act in a certain way to feel loved or acknowledged. However, if you start loving yourself, you will solve these conditions. Your love for yourself is not tied to how good or bad you are doing, but it is there.
This means that you can confuse weaknesses and mistakes. And that's important! You can also be afraid of being disliked or being an outsider, or whatever. And do not have to try to do anything to avoid this fear.



A loving relationship with yourself includes your body. In other words, you will also meet him with kindness and affection. You can accept it as it is, and try not to change it to feel valuable or loved. If you love yourself already and know your value, then you can encounter your body quite differently.
You are not forced to bring him to his limit by dieting or sports, and thus to regard him as your servant. It does not matter to you, however, that you neglect him, eat unhealthy food, sleep little or drink too much alcohol or smoke. You get an appropriate deal so that movement or a healthy diet is fun and it does not feel like a duty because you like to do it for yourself.
If you love yourself, you can get rid of certain rules or advice and find your measure for diet and sports.



If you do not rate yourself so hard, it means you. In case of misunderstandings, conflicts and negative events in your life, you do not even have to put an extra on top of yourself and make yourself down. You can stand by and support yourself and do not even finish yourself.
Think back to an event where you did not get the note or the job you actually wanted. Did you get down? You again really nice itself said, how badly you are actually? If so, then you will not really help if you experience something like that again. It is easier to learn from mistakes and recover from setbacks when you are understanding and constructive to yourself.
You learn to accept your mistakes and so you can deal with the situation the next time.
Above all, because you do not have to be afraid that you are going to make yourself down for it or criticize it. If you know you can be a support to yourself, it does not really matter what happens. You know you can handle it. The same goes for all kinds of refusals, not just for job or school, but also friends and family.


I thought it was about me? What does this have to do with the others? Let us explain. So not only your relationship with yourself will improve, but also the relationship to your environment. Since you can recognize your own value, you will also realize that your value is not dependent on other people or your performance. You do not have to bend to get the love and recognition of others because you can give yourself that. This makes you more independent and you can show yourself freer and more authentic. If you dare to show yourself and surrender your feelings and needs, your environment can react to it. And that can simplify and relax relationships.
Moreover, self-love leads to an increase in your social bond. Also make sense, as you learn to exercise compassion on yourself, you will also have more understanding for other people. This in turn strengthens relationships. Here, not only love relationships are meant, but relationships in general. But also in a partnership, you can help self-help, as you can show yourself more authentic and vulnerable and this in turn leads to a more intimate relationship.



Loving yourself also leads to being actively involved. And that against others and the everyday requirements. So you may be actively planning your time to do something good for you. During this time, you may just be, for example, in soothing activities such as meditation or a walk. Read a book or take a bath. A little time for you with great activities that you value.
If you want to do something good for yourself, you can either do more things that are fun or even less things that do not do you good. When you love yourself more, you also know what is important to you and makes you happy.


A part of self-love is that you have an understanding and a feeling for yourself, so you know your needs and you are worth taking care of them. This leads almost automatically to a higher contentment and serenity, even if this is not, of course, a permanent state. The useful thing is that you know yourself and know what you need and can do to make you happy and happy again. This feeling of self-efficacy, that is, a 'I can change something' feeling, also increases your satisfaction, since YOU can do something for YOU, regardless of certain things.
If you manage to love yourself, it also increases your general well-being, because you reduce your self-doubt and rather negative thoughts. So it can change your entire perspective and make you more joyful. And who does not want to run happier through the world?



Lovely regards
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You're an amazing being @danyelk thank you for sharing!!

Thank you brother :)

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