Moonlight Speaks

in #poetry8 years ago

When the moon begins to peek through,
we become new,
The night is a guiding force, luminescence,
the presence of ancestral wisdom
and love shine through the stars.
The gateway opens,
we are between worlds-
metaphysical and spiritual beings igniting the fire.
And in this time of silence within,
we untangle our bones
and drink the tears of our internal rivers.
Each night we die in sleep,
and as we dream,
the messages of our great and all-knowing creator
are spoken to us.
Here lies the seeds of change and growth.
In darkness we become whole,
here we are in our full power,
and here we stay.
In humble gratitude
we are blessed by the hands of power
that create love,
and as this innate force works its magic medicine,
we are healed,
returning to a state of infantile innocence and wonder.
Passion emerges through the Life force dancing in ever breath we take,
let yourself surrender-
in clarity of mind and purity of body
we receive.
We uncover pieces of ourselves
lost in illusion,
and lift the veils on our eyes and hearts.
Expansion cannot recede
or be stolen from us.
Our cells respond to the Spirit of prayer
and speak to our deepest desires and needs,
filling spaces that were once empty
with truth.
We become observer of the ability in our souls
to transform into ritual service of our highest self.
We flow with our own unique essence of moonlight.
The night cares for us,
providing sacred time for deep and intuitive understanding
of the path we must walk
to keep forever heading towards the unified source
of all power and light.

Spent the past four days in a beautiful house in upstate NY with a small group of extremely close friends, really my spiritual family. We had beautiful, powerful and extremely intense medicine ceremonies. The power of ceremony makes words seem silly; they can't even begin to express the wisdom, intelligence or power of medicine journeys. This work is life changing, it reavels the deepest and most profound truths and brings us to new levels of spiritual awareness that are deeply esoteric and incomprehensible to those outside the experience. I wrote this poem the first night we were there as I sat in front of the fire place. I'm so grateful for my path and my life. Aho mitakuye oyasin.


I really resonated with what you shared here @dannywolf. Truly powerful stuff and I can tell you were ready for that medicinal journey to commence :)

Interestingly enough, I've already read a bunch of posts about people sharing their medicinal journeys. Must be that kind of a day!

And I'm just realizing wrote this last year! For whatever reason, it popped up for me in the "new" section. I guess it needed to be heard again :)

Cheers friend!

PS: I'd love to hear your thoughts about my recent post: The 7 Liberating Life Truths I Learned While Skateboarding

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