SEC - S10W2 / My languages

in Scouts y sus Amigoslast year (edited)


Greetings to steemit member of Scouts and their companions! I hope you're passing great substance. I too am in good spirits and feel extremely fortunate to be sharing in yet another witching competition arranged by this splendid community. I extend my sincere gratefulness to the organizers for orchestrating such a remarkable contest, especially considering the chosen content — My languages. really, languages play an necessary part in our diurnal actuality.

How many languages do you speak? Which of them are your native languages and which ones have you studied?


Well!!!! Essentially, I belong to Punjab, and my native language is Punjabi. I've a deep love for my mother language, and I'm highly complete in it. Besides Punjabi, I'm also fluent in Urdu, Persian, Pashto, and, of course, English, which is an transnational language.

I constantly strive to enhance my English skills as it's essential in colorful contexts, especially in sanctioned meetings. Currently residing in KPK, where Persian and Pashto are spoken, I've learned these languages during my time here. However, they aren't my native languages.

I've acquired unresistant knowledge of Persian and Pashto from my hubby and mother- in- law, both of whom are highly fluent in these languages. Additionally, I've gained familiarity with the meaning of Persian and Pashto through my gests of traveling and shopping, gradually getting fluent in these languages. Accordingly, I can now speak a total of five languages.

Moreover, while I take pride in speaking Punjabi, my mother tongue, I never feel reluctant to communicate in it. Despite Urdu being our public language, I generally prefer to discourse in Punjabi. To ameliorate my English language chops, I constantly study colorful books and work on my accentuation, icing that I face no difficulties during my peregrination outside Pakistan.

What methods have you used to learn other languages?

To enhance my English skills, I dedicated my time to watching movies and cartoons. also, I explored colorful English documentaries, which served as helpful attendants for improving my speaking abilities and expanding my vocabulary.

As a result of these efforts, I've noticed significant improvement in my English proficiency. This progress has proven inestimable when engaging in interviews or participating in sanctioned meetings, as I'm now suitable to communicate more effectively.

In addition to the ones you already speak, what other language would you like to learn?

As I mentioned before, I'm complete in five languages; however, I'm eager to learn Chinese and Japanese to enhance my communication skills when visiting these countries.

My goal is to attain fluency in both Chinese and Japanese so that I can communicate effortlessly during my visits. I believe I can passively improve my language proficiency by exposing myself to colorful learning tutorials and resources for these languages.

What do you consider to be the most difficult thing about learning another language?

I believe the crucial element is our enthusiasm for acquiring knowledge. We're devoted to a particular pursuit, and I must emphasize that no obstacle can hinder our learning process, be it a language or any other subject.

Another pivotal aspect that can be regarded as grueling is familiarizing ourselves with the abecedarian principles of grammar, expanding our vocabulary, and adopting the correct accent. Once we make progress in these areas, applying languages with fluency akin to our native tongue becomes significantly lower laborious.

Why do you think it is important to master several languages?

I believe it's pivotal to become complete in colorful languages if the need arises.
For example, I hail from Punjab and I possess fluency in Punjabi. Nevertheless, following my marriage in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa( KPK), it becomes imperative for me to attain expertise in Persian and Pashto.

English serves as the sanctioned language and is often required beyond public borders. Therefore, it's important to possess knowledge of multiple languages.

invite lovely friends
@anelafatima, @drhira, @m-fdo, @mile16, @anroja

 last year 

Es muy admirable el hecho de que seas un persona políglota, ya que aprender un idioma es difícil y tú hablas 5 idiomas, entre ellos el Punjabi que es tu lengua nativa y has aprendido urdu, persa, pashto e inglés que es un idioma universal.

Hello friend, japanese and chinese will be good if you can learn it. Knowing more than your native language is really nice and improves confidence.
It was nice reading about all the languages you speak. Great entry!

PS: you must have used the wrong country tag, are you from Nigeria or pakistan? If Pakistan then you should use the #pakistan tag.

Hello @danishkalya, DO NOT spam the #steemelectric hashtag when you didn't set percentage to steemelectricals account.

Kindly remove the hashtag.

And you are from Pakistan according to you, why are you using Nigerian tag?

Sorry I thought this is a Nigerian community, so use the tag.

Sorry Sir Extremely Sorry,
It won't happen next time.

Anda menguasai banyak bahasa. Saya terkesan dengan anda. Ini mengingatkan saya dengan seorang youtuber yang menguasai banyak bahasa dan berinteraksi dengan orang-orang seluruh dunia menggunakan aplikasi streaming. Dia sangat sukses.

Terima kasih telah berbagi pengalaman dan skill. Ini membuat saya terkesan dan ingin belajar lebih banyak.

Sukses untuk anda! Semoga anda juga sehat selalu.

Thank You So MuCh But i am not a youtuber Your lovely comment won hearts.


Es maravilloso que puedas dominar varios idiomas, la verdad que es una Execelente manera de estar a la par con el mundo moderno.

Tener Familiares y amigos que hablen el idioma es mucho más fácil que uno lo pueda aprender a hablarlo porque la práctica es fundamental para poder aprender sobre todo la pronunciación.

Chino y Japonés son unos Idomas muy importantes en el mundo, y aprender de ellos también te daría los conocimientos sobre su cultura que es algo muy bueno.

Éxitos y buena suerte

absolutely Thank You Your Lovely Comment.


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