How To Test A Person

in GEMS4 years ago

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Friends, our story today is a bit different, so that we will get to learn some valuable things which are useful in some place in our life.

There was a majestic king. He had three sons. The king sent his three sons to a very qualified teacher for education of politics, weapons, etc. When there education was completed, the king thought that why not I should take the examination of all my sons myself and give them some education? Due to this thinking, the king summoned his sons to him. The king told his sons that there is no pear tree in our kingdom. You all go to neighboring states in a span of 4 months. Go and see the pear tree and find out what the pear tree is like.

Following orders from the father, the first son used to go to the neighboring kingdom to see the pear tree. He had a good look at how a pear tree is.

Similarly, the next son goes to the neighboring kingdom after the next 4 months and sees well what the pear tree is like.

Now it is the turn of the youngest son. He also did the same. Goes to the neighbors kingdom and looks at the pear tree.

When the three sons came back after seeing the pear tree, the king calls his three sons to the court, and first of all asks his elder son, tell me, son, how did you like the pear tree? Son speaks - Father, I saw many pear trees in the state, but all the trees were crooked and dried.

Now the king asked his second son - Tell me what did you see, son? Son said - Father Bhaiya must have seen some other tree by mistake. None of the trees that I saw were dry. All the trees were green but no fruit was planted.

Hearing this, the youngest son said - Father, it seems brother has seen the wrong tree. Every tree I saw was were full of pears and was loaded with fruits. Before the king could say anything, the three sons started fighting among themselves. They started saying that you are lying, another says that you are lying.

Seeing this, the King himself speaks - sons do not fight among yourselves. None of you are lying. Whosoever saw what he is saying. I sent you people deliberately in different months. The condition of the pear tree that you are telling was favorable to the weather.

(King says that sons we get to learn some things from this ……)

  • First thing, sons, if you want correct and complete information about something, then you should watch and check it for a long time. It can be anything - like an object, man.

  • The second thing is that not every innocent is the same, just as the tree changes according to the season. Sometimes it was dry, sometimes it was green, sometimes it was loaded with fruits. In the same way, there are ups and downs in the life of a man. Man should never be sad, because time never remains the same. If there is sorrow today, tomorrow there will be happiness.

  • Thirdly, one should never think that the person standing in front of him is wrong. Maybe he is right and you too. Saying, you can also have half-incomplete knowledge. There is no man in this world who has knowledge of everything. In such a situation, advice should be sought from some other knowledgeable person.

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