Baristas - The Coffee Lovers Blog #2: The Cold Brew Coffee

in #food7 years ago


 You are a coffee grower, very coffee ... and today it is hot, very hot! You've been thinking about enjoying a good cup of coffee for hours; You need its aroma, its flavor, and caffeine to make you feel right now, but its temperature deters you. 

What is the coffee growers' solution? Order a coffee with ice or a frappé coffee, two options to which today we add an excellent alternative: the Cold Brew.   


What is Cold Brew?
The Cold Brew is the process of preparing a cold coffee in which at no time comes the increase in temperature to make the infusion. We are not preparing a hot coffee in a traditional way and then cool it down ... we are talking about making coffee cold from the beginning to the end of the preparation.   The process involves infusing the ground coffee with water at room temperature for about 15, 20, and up to 24 hours. It is a very slow process, but the advantages it offers make it worth the wait.   

The Cold Brew gives us a light but full-bodied coffee, full of intense nuances and flavors, precisely because of the special characteristics of this way of making the infusion. The cold prepared coffee preserves all the nutrients, and above all it is the perfect solution so that the most gourmets can enjoy a refreshing coffee that responds to the demands of aromas and flavors of the most demanding.  


 How to prepare the Cold brew? The form of preparation is simple but, as we said, it is a slow process. We need a very thick ground coffee, since the contact surface is wide and also the infusion time is very long, and, as always, we need quality water. Simply with a plunger coffee machine we can make a delicious Cold Brew coffee.   

What is the perfect ratio. Although everything will depend on personal preferences, as a pattern we can take 100 grams of coffee for every liter of water; or increase or decrease following the same proportion. We prepare it with water at room temperature, and then let it cool in the fridge for 15 or 20 hours.   


Ready! You have a coffee that you can keep in a refrigerator with all its properties and aroma, or with which you can prepare a granita or an ice coffee that will surprise you.  


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Hola @daniellozada recibe nuestro humilde voto.

Pues @gensequini consideró que tienes el don de ofrecernos una gema y te otorgo nuestro...

¡Te damos la bienvenida a la familia!

Contamos contigo para hacer crecer esta red que es una gran aventura.

Llámalo cuando quieras, avisa a @nnnarvaez si alguien lo utilizó donde exista plagio. Si tienes preguntas búscanos en discord Reveur-Venezuela

Me encanta! :-)

Café Delicioso y diverso que haríamos sin el.

asi es, aqui una receta para preparar la base, le puedes colocar leche y vainilla y obtienes una exquisita bebida fria!

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