Should we be concerned? Norrth Korean missile test reaches new heights and may be able to strike the United States

in #news7 years ago (edited)

In a recent missile test which has divided the US, China and Russia on how to respond, the North Koreans have displayed a missile which they claim can strike the US mainland. This show of force escalates tensions between the US and North Korea.

Should Americans be concerned? Should North Koreans be even more concerned about what could happen?


haha can trust those guys claims about as much as you can trust the way they talk about the dear leaders golf skills -

i.e be afraid, be very afraid.

I don t think that fat Kim will attack any country , he knows that US will destroy North Korea within a few days

The US has 10x the amount of weapons as any other country, they have military bases in china, japan and south korea, as well as sea support, if anything from north korea even comes within a thousand miles of our air space it will be knocked away, there are satellites contiuously focused on every country around the world.... was this a serious article or just a joke? do you think the US would be under threat and do nothing about it, c'mon now people

Cant take on Isreal. ..other than that..i was Air Defense in the 82nd and We Got This . .NK would never Reach us

But who never know, they had already prepared for it.

Damn fucking right.

Stop poking the poo if you don't like how it starts to smell!

it's all staged. The same hidden hand of Freemasonry controls all sides.
Kim Jong Un was educated in Switzerland for a reasonDQmZHmgUGf87CearHaHWBW8VbziYqzuMb55Ng7g2tfNTFMD_1680x8400.jpg.
I think it could lead to a falseflag on 7/7/2017
or within the next few months at most (there's another signifant date coming in August)

Ultimately it'll lead to a staged war in the area just like predicted by the Economist cover "World in 2017" tarrot (notice the Rising Sun= means near Japan=North Korea)

it will happen one day, not going to lie what they have planned will be catastrophic. the only way to stop this is by stopping the money that pay for the wars... TAX MONEY, hopefully bitcoin can prevent this..

We should only be concerned if we are in any way causing WW3 to happen, our government should not interfere in matters that do not concern us , but this is no joke if they turn again us then the government just fucked up and out our life into danger because they thought they were doing the right thing by interfering.

I think american president and korean president should fight with each other 1 on 1
Why kill millions of innocent people

Who was it that said; "If you have one nuke you're a target, several and you're a threat"?

Whoever it was, they were right :-)

In my mind, this is just postulating, nukes always have been (1945 not withstanding), and hopefully always will be, a defensive strategy. Two nations owning nukes have never gone to war, because of the Strangelove effect.

As in, if we're losing, we'll nuke. Ergo N. Korea are just saying, in case you're thinking of invading, we can and will nuke.


They have gone to war indirectly unofficially via spy wars.

Oh yes, most definitely! Add to that cyber wars as well; I should have clarified, I meant conventional war, giving the threat of losing sovereignty by being invaded/taken over.


Plus, the exception to the rule is India and Pakistan, who technically are still at war, and who both own nukes.


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