Serious news alert! Study shows most tap water around the world contaminated with "microplastics"

in #health7 years ago (edited)

This is serious news because it could have a lasting effect on all of our health. Many people drink tap water and don't have any whole home water filtration system. In addition, most people who do probably will not be able to filter out whatever this "microplastic" contaminant is. We know certain plastics can make people more vulnerable to becoming insulin resistant (and diabetic as a result). We know certain plastics can trigger effects which can cause cancer. We also know cancer and diabetes rates have been mysteriously increasing and particularly so among minority populations.

Last modified on Wednesday 6 September 2017 08.35 EDT
Microplastic contamination has been found in tap water in countries around the world, leading to calls from scientists for urgent research on the implications for health.

Scores of tap water samples from more than a dozen nations were analysed by scientists for an investigation by Orb Media, who shared the findings with the Guardian. Overall, 83% of the samples were contaminated with plastic fibres.

Could class have something to do with the level of contamination? We know in the United States based on the Flint situation that people who are of lower class are not even protected by the government in some cases. In fact, the government might even decide it's more important to control "costs" than to save the lives of people (as we saw happen in Flint). If it's not lead pollution in the tap water, it's prescription drugs, and if not that then we have to worry about "microplastics".

Weirdly enough the United States has the highest rate and it seems Trump Tower and certain other popular politically sensitive locations aren't immune:

The US had the highest contamination rate, at 94%, with plastic fibres found in tap water sampled at sites including Congress buildings, the US Environmental Protection Agency’s headquarters, and Trump Tower in New York. Lebanon and India had the next highest rates.

This is a study to take seriously and figure out how to technologically remove all pollutants from water. Just buying bottled water won't work because most bottled water is just tap water from another location. It might also be interesting to see if water can be something which benefits from decentralization (at the supply, shipping and capture side) because ultimately it's about collecting rain water and about purifying the water. Thoughts?



Tap water always tastes funky to me, and I grew up drinking hose water as a kid haha.

It's not just you.


Tap water has always thoroughly weirded me out. I ALWAYS filter it thoroughly and only use it for coffee or tea after it has been boiled and filtered again.

Call me weird, but I hate tap water.

I did a project on this very issue in college, the micro plastic get into the water system because of our flood sewers. Plastic bottles and caps get stuck in the sewer cracks and fall into the water, most of these sewers actually lead to a near creek that moves into a river, then in the near by lake. By the time it reaches the ocean the plastics have becomes super small and ingested by EVEN the fish we catch and eat! Search: The Great Pacific Patch is disgusting how much plastic can end up in the Ocean! I love this topic haha.

Please feel free to write follow up blogs. I also studied something like this in college. Lead is neurotoxic for example and the fact that Flint allowed that to happen is one of the worst tragedies in US history. It's not just that it's bad for health, but it will fuel an entire generation of violent sociopaths/psychopaths damaged by lead poisoning.

On the topic of fish, it's also true that mercury is in fish. This might be a good time to consider going vegan and buying advanced water filtration if paranoid. Of course you can always choose to trust your government and hope it doesn't end up like Flint.

I'm over in Canada, as of now we have the cleanest water but not clean enough, Lake Ontario had so much radioactive waste dumped into it the Province declared for citizens to not fish or eat the fish from the lake because of mutations. Some fish had 2 heads, I'm definitely going to write up a blog on this tommorow, it is disturbing how terible it is becoming!

Do mutations signal that there is a high level of radioactive waste?

Sorry, the Lake was polluted with a mixer of things because we have 2 steel factories right on the lake , and for years they were dumping their waste into the water to avoid fees for waste removal.

Oops! This is devastating and a bad news too.
I hope much priorities will be placed on health and general well-being of human beings.
I just upvoted and followed you

In our country tap water is a problem, I buy a water filter every month, otherwise it is not possible to drink it.

Water insecurity is one of the scariest parts of being poor. I have to drink water to live & yet it's hard being scared of what I'm consuming & how it will effect me & yet having no choice.

One of my first purchases when I get back on my feet is going to be a Berkey water filter or something on those lines.

I wonder how the Lifestraws do against micro-plastics, or if any filtration system is even addressing it. More to research!

P.S: consider a shower filter too

This is really bad news...

ultimately it's about collecting rain water and about purifying the water.

Rain water? What about the chem-trails? They are real, at least in Germany the army accept they do this normally. So the water from the rain is not so pure as we could think

I don't know about chem trails and don't have any studies to support their existence. I do have studies proving the tap water is contaminated. Ultimately if it's not found in a study it's not going to be easy to convince me. Sorry.

Well, in Germany appear in the news paper that the army accept they use "chem trails" for army operations. Radar stuff and things like that, or at least is what they say. They spread chemicals in the air I use the name that everybody use for this action, "chem trails". I just saying what I read in the news paper I am not trying to convince you. Sorry.

And you should test the rain water and see how pure it is btw (depend of where you live will be more or less but will be never pure)... for sure will not have mercury, or alluminium, or or or ... maybe 100s years ago you could drinked normally.. now I would not recommend it in some places

I can confirm this. Here in the Netherlands they are slowly revealing it to the public, drip-by-drip. All under the disguise of "just trying to help", or the ever popular global warming reduction. Anyone should search for the patents on this, the US government holds many.

They mostly call it cloud-seeding today :

Anyway, its just an all round bad idea to contaminate either water, land or air with chemicals. This does not solve anything, it just covers up the symptoms and even makes the long term consequences even worse.


its just an all round bad idea to contaminate either water, land or air with chemicals. This does not solve anything, it just covers up the symptoms and even makes the long term consequences even worse.

You are right, it is just make-up and a bad one beacuse it contaminate what we need for to live, water and air and of course, natural food ... also I do not believe that spreading any chemical in water, air or food make any good at all!

@timtech post a link and confirm in the Netherlands they also say the same. He answer me so maybe you do not see it. Again I am not trying to convince u about anything but.. just saying ... Here is the link he posted

Also I forgot, they found micro-plastics particles in beers here in Germany too... because of the water,mikroplastik134.html

Really a lot of harmful substances and heavy metals in our water. Our people are not used to filtering water. I do not filter the tap water, either. I think it's time to fix it!

Thanks for posting about this - upvoted! I read the same Guardian story myself this morning, and have seen similar ones about microplastics in the ocean before. However the prevalence in drinking water is, I believe largely under reported so far. Spread the word!

I have a lot more links about this issue in my recent post on the same topic:

I've included some information about how you can filter microplastics from the air in your home and in drinking water. It's a huge problem and people are only just beginning to grasp the magnitude of it - plus we don't even have much idea of how this microplastic burden is affecting our health and that other life on earth.

good post follow me @goga

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