All This FIAT Stuff Is FakesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

In response to the following news article. Please spread this far and wide.

I do not turn to for investment advice, and frankly neither should you. I offer a pearl of wisdom and to do with it what it likes: All these imaginary “fiat currencies” are just made up fake things. A $100 dollar bill is made up of 1 penny worth of wood fiber (and imagined to be worth $100 dollars), printed at will by Central Bankers, yet given to the people in a model of continual decrease in value, with the only way to get it being to work harder and harder, right up until your moment of death.

What is FIAT? Nobody knows. I do not mean that nobody can offer a string of plausible-sounding words that seem at a glance as if they are describing a real thing, and apply those words to FIAT or even to “USD” or any other “national fiat” that is “printed” by a computer (fake). I mean that none of it makes any sense.

In my hand I hold a $20 bill. I can use it to buy a huge burrito at any of a dozen places within a ten block radius. On your computer you can even see that your Bank displays the amount of FIAT. Its value is always decreasing from month to month. You have no idea if you will be able to earn enough of it tomorrow to survive. As soon as the scarcity model enters the next phase you won't be able to buy a burrito with it anywhere. It is worse than fake, it creates slavery and poverty on a Global Scale.

“You don’t understand Designed Collapse”

Enjoy being broke when this made-up bubble pops.

“This is the future of frictionless global finance.”

Enjoy being destitute because you kept your FIAT and did not exchange it for “Bitcoin,” a thing that any computer can show you you, and if you have the private keys then no "Authority" can take it from you, and you think you can keep working harder and harder for less as your Burrito becomes too expensive to even buy with a $20. You are engaged in a sort of financial collective delusion that has been seizing humanity for decades because people are so willing to be brainwashed by the Propaganda Networks and Dumbification by the Public School systems.

“My friend worked for 50 years at 60 hours a week and died sick and broke”

That’s because your friend kept his FIAT out of Bitcoin like a Greater Fool—you. Enjoy the feeling of profound abundance and liberty you will experience on the day when everyone wakes up and realizes they would rather have Bitcoin/Ethereum to buy burritos than “FIAT” that can, let’s see here, “pay for transaction fees and services on the Ethereum network.” Oh, that sounds better than cash money that can no longer buy everything anywhere, sure. Great investment.

Instead of telling me computer words about what these digital currencies are, tell me this: Is it better than cash? That I slave just to hold in my hand? That buys me a burrito, if I work for 20 hours? That buys me a basketball if I work for 40 hours? That buys me a house, that will be foreclosed on when I can no longer afford the mortgage payments? That buys me a fighter jet, that would be used to over throw another nation and install more Central Banks? Is it better than that? Yes it is. You are engaged in a massive global act of revolution that will inevitably crash or succeed, but at least you will be able to say you tried to free humanity from mass domination and slavery, with your soul celebrating about the courage it took to convert all your real money into fake “coins” that don’t “exist” except in everyone’s “imagination”, just like FIAT.

The answer is that you were “revolutionary” and hoped you could “free the world” and actually you “can.”

Laugh your haughty laugh all you want. Enjoy calling me ignorant. I stood up to the most powerful villains on the planet in an effort to free the world and all you have is “green fiberous paper loaned to you by future childrens labor” Yeah—code for “whimp.”


Brilliantly funny !

Thank you!

Love the post! Now following

Nice post...humorous

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