The One Exception: Chapter 16 'Did You Do Your Job?'

in #writing7 years ago

It a typical workday, the work crew has been given their assignments and things are going smoothly. As I park the work truck back at the office, I hear a very strange and unusual sound even though the windows in the truck are rolled up.

I exit the truck and not only does the sound rise to a crescendo, but there is an awful burning smell accompanying the racket. I follow the sound and it is one of the two air conditioning units cooling the main administration building. Using my smartphone, I record a short five second video of the unit and the sounds. I secured the unit at the thermostat and tagged it with a very obvious ‘fire hazard, do not turn on’ note; taping it over the thermostat to prevent anyone from turning on the unit without physically removing the tape and tag. I inspected the circuit breaker box and found that I couldn’t secure the faulty unit without also shutting down the only other operating unit keeping the building cool.

After taking care of the immediate problem, I notified my boss and wrote up a safety report of the incident including pictures of the tag out, the circuit breaker box, and the video which clearly shows the faulty unit, complete with sounds. Also, I recommended the unit remain tagged out until it could be properly inspected and repaired by a qualified professional. Further, I also consulted as to whether the boss wanted to file a ‘near miss’ report to the company to document the catch and prevention of what could have turned into a larger, much more serious problem.

There was only one employee present at the time and I briefed that person on the situation. It was understood and we went back to work, as the problem had been handled and things were under control.

Now one of my hard wired modes of operation as a manager is to be as thorough as practical in the performance of my duties; to me, it simply goes without saying as I believe in doing a job right the first time, every time.

Enter the ‘one exception’.

Some time later in the day, I came back into the office after spending some time observing the operation. Little did I know that I would be subjected to interrogation by the ‘one exception’ as to whether I had performed my job. The ‘one exception’ noticed the tagged out air conditioning unit and proceeded to question my actions and demanded to know if I notified upper management. If one was observing my reaction to the ‘one exception’, one would have seen a ‘you got to be kidding me’, confused look on my face. Running through my mind was: Since when does a subordinate demand that a manager inform and justify the prudent actions already taken? This wasn’t a request, this was a demand from the ‘one exception’. Recalling all the counseling sessions received on past dealings with the ‘one exception’ where ‘peace on earth’ was the counseled course of action; after my prolonged pause, I replied with a simple ‘yes’ with no other explanation offered.

You’d think that would be the end of it… but it wasn’t.

The 'one exception' wouldn't leave it alone and insisted on arguing. I politely advised her to allow me to work in peace and to take the issue up with my boss if she isn't satisfied with my response. Get thee away from me 'Satan' was the prevailing thought running through my mind.

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