Let’s See Where This Takes Us? - Blockchain Coffee “Split”

in Freewriters5 years ago


It works! It really, really works! ATTENTION 🐝🐝🐝 Who is accounted for?!?

It’s happened, something talked about since the beginning of my journey on STEEM. Happened many times prior but never did the pull bring the projects with it. We forked and this time it seems the move has more support then criticisms. All the previous blockchain shave been called sisters or off shoots. No, not our hive it’s been deemed the solution.

Call me a conspiracy nut but anything deemed a “solution” I go looking for the “problem” and “action” to understand the whole equation. Much has happened, many aspects came into play. Yet in one sentence I can chalk up what transpired...

A battle of wallets encouraged by fear drove a split in the community resulting in a platform wide control struggle and divide.

I really don’t know what to think yet, too soon though I am hopeful I remain skeptical as always. Somethings I had done day previous in preparation is pull all delegations and start a Power Down.... sorry to all those I have supported 🙏 nothing to do with my belief in your projects 🙏

Side note are tribe tags a thing on HIVE? 😅 guessing not 🤔 just hive community tags I’d suppose....

Let’s See Where This Takes Us?

I really do want to be hopeful but some aspect of me says this isn’t going to be as smooth as we all want it to be 🤭

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62956.16
ETH 2588.54
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.74