Nice 5 bridges in France 11P42.25-G

in #busy6 years ago

(40.06) Nice 5 bridges in France

Over the centuries, numerous bridges have been built to connect the cities and places of the same country and even other countries throughout the world. There is no alternative to crossing the water or the barrier. That's the most complex structure created by humans. The bridge is considered one of the best masterpieces of engineering. Some of the most beautiful bridges of the world can be said in a single way. These bridges have been constructed by the architects depending on the nature of the surroundings. As a result, all the tourists will want to walk on them. Seeing these amazing wonders, anyone who is shocked to see these architectures will be shocked. The organizers of the 'Bangla Tribune Journey' organized this kind of bridge.

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Mr. Viadkert Bridge
The tallest pillars in this bridge in South France are more than the Eiffel Tower. It is 1,255 meters high. It's going to be, it's the world's tallest bridge. So during the winter or the rainy season, the state of the cloud touched the bridge! Among the longest bridges are 'Mi Videkat' in the 22nd list. It was opened for vehicular traffic on December 16, 2004. It is crossing the toll at 7:30 euro.

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Panture du Ger Aquiduct Bridge
In 1985, due to the historical importance, the 'Pont du Gar Aquiduct' bridge on UNESCO's World Heritage list was established. In the medieval period it was the medium of crossing the river Gordo from the Versa-Pont-du-Gar city in southern France. The number of arches in this bridge is 160 feet high. Seeing the calm river and the natural beauty surrounding it will come out of the mouth, the bridge is so beautiful!

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Sees Bolozzo Bridge
This bridge has bridges between Sij City and Bolozo, France. Trains and other vehicles run together on this bridge that started in 1875. Top part allotment for train movement. Cars or any other vehicle can run under it. The 240-foot-high bridges have two tunnels or tunnels. One on top, another down. While jumping on the lower tunnel, the jingle sound of the train will sound. During World War II many parts of the bridge were damaged. Later it was made suitable for the movement of traffic through renovation.

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Nahomeji Bridge
The 705 feet high bridge over the river Sena is connected to this bridge.
It is located in the north-west of Nahmonji, France. This is the last bridge before the sen drains into the sea. Although a toll for a motor vehicle, the Nahmoni bridge open for pilgrims and cyclists to walk on foot. It was launched in 1995.

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Alexander the Three Bridge
Another bridge on the River Sen in Paris is 'Pont Alexander the Three'. Since 1975 it has been the historic monument of France. Many films in Hollywood and Europe have seen decorated bridges. It will be seen by several sculptures. The famous Eiffel Tower in Paris is also seen standing on top of it.

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