How Far Cry 5 Lead me to a Great Adventure !

in INVEN Gaming4 years ago

Some of my most unforgettable moments while exploring the first 3 areas in Far Cry 5 were free from any bombings, gang members who like to shoot or crazy hard characters.
And after about an hour of gameplay, I discovered a great feature, if you take out the telescope and then turn off the HUD quickly, you can walk while you see the world through an effective lens camera. Quite frankly, I was surprised by how quiet, exciting, and captivating observation this was in a game that allowed me to simultaneously fire explosive-headed arrows at helicopters while landing with a parachute from a World War II warplane that I had stalled and disposed of a few seconds ago.

I feel so excited about sharing the wildlife and environments we saw later this month, so you can see exactly what I'm talking about when I say Hope County looks like a living place with small town dwellers and workers leading the way of life outside of cities.
The level of detail we are seeing on farms, scrap yards, woods, car shops, and local pubs that act as family restaurants and bars at one time is quite amazing.
I used to sit, for example, one time on the bank of the river with the camera telescope turned on. I watched a deer grazing on the far shore. Suddenly, the deer raised his head and felt tense, and ran away toward the trees.
I thought the AI ​​had finally worked, but instead I heard the sound of a motor hum and I realized that it was he who made the deer run away.

You wouldn't believe me if I told you

But like anything else, there is something silly negative in all the quiet positivity in Far Cry 5's eco tire. After all, we should not forget that Hope County is a war zone, and watching these two principles collide is entertaining and at the same time baffling.

Another best place

What surprised me most in the game was the imaginative town realism of Hope County in Montana, a fishing hook and I set out to explore and go on adventures until sunset.
But playing in Far Cry 5 completely surprised me with memories that I almost forgot.
I'm sure my words all of this seems a bit cliche, but Ubisoft's reinvention of this place, with steep hills and vast golden farmland in the series is very visually stunning, but the Montana depicted by Far Cry 5 has managed to leave a great resonance in me in a way The previous two games did not work for her.

A few seconds later, two locals appeared on a water bike, and began to spin to make circles in the river. The bear seemed to be very upset by this, until the bear died in the water because he was unable to face an automatic weapon, then the two moved away towards the top of the river.
It was a surreal moment that perfectly defined my feelings about Far Cry 5. This is a beautiful natural world in constant struggle with madness as if I were in the midst of a 3-sided struggle: good people, bad people, and the living world around them.
But those surprising moments are one of the hallmarks of Far Cry 5. Every 20 minutes something so incredible happens that I might lean toward my colleague and poke it as if I were saying: “Did you see that?”

As much as I liked the hypothesis of the game and its characters, which we will go into in the midst of some later this month), which has continued to happen time and time again, because the world is simply equipped for everything to collide with each other.
It has happened once that my turkey chased me towards a group of wild boars that swapped roles in trampling me to death as I tried to escape. Or that plane that apparently chased me after I got out of it, and crushed me for 30 seconds after I parachuted safely out of it.
All of these surprisingly small moments from just 15 hours playing in Hope County gathered together to make something like a quick movie that left me smiling since I left the game.

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excellent information about farcry 5. actually some game has hidden feature and we need to discover it .

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