Do you know the benefits of wine

in #indonesia7 years ago

Grapes are fruits rich in nutrients and vitamins good for the body, wine is also widely used for facial care because the content in the wine is able to moisturize the skin. So many benefits of wine that we do not know that wine was also a negative impact if consumed too much. Here are the negative impacts to our body and health if we consume grapes excessively:

.Dangers of Excessive Wine Eating.

●. Causes of Diarrhea.

If you consume excessive wine, you mean you get a lot of vitamins but even otherwise what pregnant women are. Eating grapes can cause diarrhea. As we know that diarrhea is harmful to pregnant women. When the diarrhea occurs indirectly the fluid in the body will decrease drastically and this will affect the existing baby in the womb causing the baby lack of fluids that cause the mother and baby weakness.

●.Can Cause Poisoning.

The main problem of eating wine is it can cause poisoning. This is because the content contained in the wine such as resveratrol is very high that can potentially poison, causing the hormones in the body is not balanced. But please note that the researcher underlines that in case of poisoning if the eaters have eaten beyond the limit and are not recommended for pregnant women to consume because it can have a negative impact on the baby.
Well, you already know the risk for us if you consume too much wine in Islam is also explained that the excess will not be baik.Dari all described above Wine can cause poisoning if consumed in large quantities. If the amount consumed is small it will help our fitamin intake to be even better.

●.Damaging the Stomach.

Wine is too sour so it can cause various problems in the stomach, if you get ema or gastric illness should not eat wine because it can cause bloating, stomach wheeze, nausea and even vomiting.

●.Can Cause Cancer.

Many wine growers are already using instant products to increase their turnover because then farmers can quickly harvest their crops without realizing that their way has done much harm to others for example on the spraying of grapes, usually thin grape skins make them vulnerable to pesticide contamination. This can lead to the entry of certain metals in wine.

●.Can Cause Miscarriage.

Patients with Hemophilia are strictly prohibited from eating grapes during pregnancy as they may cause bleeding during pregnancy.

The benefits of eating wine.

■ Can reduce cholesterol, and prevent cardiovascular disease.

■Glucose in wine, vitamin to refresh the brain, often eat wine can eliminate fatigue and increase the spirit.

■Long-term smokers may eat lots of grapes, may help detoxify the lungs, alleviate the respiratory inflammation caused by smoking.

■Grape juice is very good for sick people whose bodies are weak, can recover people suffering from stomach and liver disease, drinking grape juice directly can also prevent the virus from entering our body.

■Eat wine will not be fat, for women when consuming black wine every day on a regular basis, not only for diet, but also blood circulation.

■Raisins have a lot of nutrients, suitable for people who have a weaker whisk, can be an appetite enhancer.

How to clean the wine clean and fast.

Fill water in a basin, then add a spoonful of flour, and mix well.
Let stand for 2 minutes, then dip the wine into the water.
After the wine is lifted back, clean it again with clean water, then can be eaten.
Really how to wash a clean wine, not afraid of any chemicals left behind, very healthy!.

Why wash the wine to use flour water?

●Due to the higher starch stickiness level, so when washing the wine, the dirt on the grape directly attached to the water flour, the wine becomes clean.

●How to clean like this is more environmentally friendly!.

》》》.Efficacy and Side Effects of Wine.《《《《

Famous grapes have many health benefits because they are rich in antioxidant vitamins A, C, E, B1 B6 but also contains calcium, iodine, manganese, potassium, zinc, selenium, and natural sugars such as dectrosa and glucose. And rich in various phytonutrients that can help cure various diseases.

The grapes are identical to purple, though not all grapes are purple. Kinds and types of grapes are numerous. Grapes can be used as juice or eaten directly. Although the small form of wine has many benefits and properties, it certainly also has side effects as well. Below will be described on the benefits / benefits and side effects of grapes that you need to know.

Here are the benefits of grapes:


Grapes are known to have excellent benefits for heart health. The content of phenol compounds has very strong antioxidant properties. While resveratrol compounds contained in black wine and red wine help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. And the presence of saponin compounds that are useful to inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the blood.

●.Launch CHAPTER

Grapes Wine is often referred to as one of the natural laxatives, or is often used to help relieve bowel movements or constipation. Due to the presence of sugar, cellulose, and organic acids in grapes.

●.Prevent premature aging

Grapes contain antioxidants and other vitamins that are shown to help maintain healthy skin.

●.Eliminate kidney and digestive disorders.

By regularly eating grapes, it is healthy for our body's digestive system. Grapes also help remove acids in the kidneys, thus keeping the kidneys healthy.

●Blood Sugar.

Benefits of grapes to treat blood sugar. Wine is known to have a very low glycemic index making it suitable for people who have unbalanced blood sugar. Phytonutrients help regulate blood sugar and increase insulin sensitivity.

●.Prevent Cancer.

One glass of grape juice is able to kill the bad cells causing liver cancer and can improve the performance of the liver to be more leverage in cleaning the toxins in the body.


Grape juice is known as a powerful natural remedy for migraine. You just make pure wine juice without added water, then drink regularly.


In grapes there is a substance melatonin, a substance that can help regulate the biological clocks of human sleep.


The benefits of grapes to treat hypertension. In grapes contain potassium and melatonin compounds that are believed to be useful for controlling blood pressure, and cleanse the blood vessels from the blockage.

●.Protect the eyes from cataracts.

The content of Flavonoids in grapes has a function to keep the eyes from damage caused by free radicals that can cause cataracts.

●.Prevent breast cancer.

Diligently consume grape juice on a regular basis can reduce the risk of breast cancer.

●.Good for people with asthma.

The benefits of wine to overcome asthma. Grapes can help increase the water content in the lungs or are often called assimiratory. This has the effect of reducing the risk of shortness of breath in people with asthma, which of course is good for people with asthma.

●.Maintain immunity.

Antiviral and antibacterial content in grapes can increase our endurance and protection from disease.

●.Producing Red Blood Cells.

The content of this one grape is perfect for those of you who suffer from anemia or lack of red blood cells. The grapes are rich in iron, so they can produce red blood cells in the body quickly and maximally. Eat at least 2 grapefruit seeds to speed up your healing process or to reduce your pain due to this anemic disease.

●.Eliminate Acne Scars.

The use of grapes as a beauty ingredient is not just a myth. Grapes are able to remove stains on your acne scars in several treatments only. The trick is very easy, namely by slicing the grapes into two parts, then apply evenly on your face, especially on the affected face acne. Then wait a few minutes, then gently massage and rinse with clean water. Do it regularly 2 times a week, then stubborn acne scars will disappear by itself.

In addition, Grape Seed also has benefits, health benefits. Here are the benefits, benefits ::

Prevent stroke
Benefits of grape seeds to prevent stroke. In the grape seeds are found minerals, zinc (Zn) and manganese (Mn). In addition, in grape seeds also contain endungeoned pycnogenol, a collagen strengthening agent that is useful for flexing blood vessels, so that no occurrence of stroke or blockage of blood vessels.

Moisturises facial skin
The benefits of the next grape seed is to moisturize the skin. Grape seeds can keep skin moisture from the inside so it keeps skin always moist. The benefits of grape seeds also to smooth blood circulation and maintain healthy skin from outside.


Wine Can cause Diarrhea
Do not get me wrong, pregnant women who consume too much grapes will cause diarrhea during pregnancy, and diarrhea is quite dangerous for the health of pregnant women. Where if pregnant women lose a lot of fluid in the body it will also affect the condition of the baby in the stomach. Where the condition of fluid deficiency will cause pregnant women and infants become weak.

Wine Can Cause Poisoning
One of the main problems that became the reason pregnant women to avoid the consumption of wine during pregnancy is the content of resveratrol. With high levels of resveratrol will potentially poison the pregnancy and cause the hormones in the body is not balanced. So it is very dangerous for the safety of mother and baby.

What if pregnant women crave wine? may, but preferably before eating wine is recommended to fill the stomach first, such as rice, bread, or the other.

The effect above is not only recommended for pregnant women, for those who are not pregnant the same. What is clear consuming excessive wine negativ negative impact on health, and vice versa if consumed with the body's needs, it will have a positive impact on our health.

.Thank you for reading. may be useful.

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