Tokyo Disneyland

in #life6 years ago

Dear Steemians,

Continuing on on my post on my trip to Tokyo, the second day was to Disneyland. Wow, the last time I went to a Disney-themed park was so long ago.

Day 2: Disneyland

My wife had been planning this trip for quite some time, and it was quite unfortunate that while we were in Tokyo, we were drenched in rain half the time. I had the audacity to tell everyone that I didn't need an umbrella and that I would be fine. This was actually up until the point where we crossed the entrance. To my defense, up until that point, it was slightly drizzling, if you could even call it that. Five minutes into our entrance upon the park it was a full-on monsoon.

I'm glad that the entrance had this roof, where you could still have a ton of fun with all of the gift shops! Anyways, after the downpour started, we decided to get a poncho. I decided to cover up my daughter as well inside of my poncho!

It actually got to raining so hard, we decided to leave briefly, change our hotels to the Hilton, and then come back for a show that we signed up for. In continuation with the kids' theme around the Disney resort, the hotels were very kids-oriented. Finished up the day portion with a balloon for our daughter!

The entrance to the Hilton Hotel

Bunk beds inside of the rooms!

When we came back in the evening for the evening show. Here are two videos of the entertainment. I found them on Youtube, because I didn't think that my videos were very smooth, but basically the same thing we saw.

Here are some nighttime shots of the park. I guess the only thing I missed was really going on the rides, but when your kids are as young as mine are, you will have to think of that as next time.

Even without all of the rides, all of the sightseeing, the shows, the characters must have really taken a toll on the kids. When everything was over and done ...

Some additional resources for people who may be interested:
Official Tokyo Disneyland Website
Hilton Tokyo Bay Hotel

Map of the Resort taken from the above link

Have a great week everyone!

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