Cryptroppel's Response To His Mom's Letter

in #treatment6 years ago

Hello Susie:  

So sorry @Cryptroppel is now targeting Bill.  

(My relationship with my doctor was private. My mom got involved, got caught meddling, panicked and pulled everyone she knew into this using things I said to her while I suddenly stopped taking anti-anxiety medication because my doctor didn't want to treat two of us for the price of one. What I said was mean. I understand that. When I came back from that place I had new life skills that helped me get her meddling to finally stop by bull baiting her about her greatest fear: suicide. If I haven’t done myself in after losing my dream of working at Microsoft and my family, who thinks I am a suicide risk? Her fear was unfounded. It is important to note that many people will feel that they want to die as they come off the medication. I know she read that. There are very few instances where xanex should be used. I get that. It is also important to note that suicide rates are sky rocketing for teens, a constant concern at her last job.)   

What you probably don't know is that Mom, Steve, me, Mark, and Troy have gone to court and got anti-harassment orders--which he has honored so far. 

(If they answered my simple questions about the “treatment center” or did as they promised, which is why I went, I would be on good terms with them. Maybe not Troy who found me starving, dirty, and thirsty on the side of the road on Slater in Kirkland, and told me to kill myself. No apology. Just a court date I didn’t need to attend. Think about what would be the outcome if my family was honest with me and held up their end of the bargain. My parents would have a successful son. And my brother would have a loving brother. Having an agreement with the court is better than an agreement with the interventionist, because it is transparent and clear. I could read the restraining order document if I want. I only know they are not allowed to help me based on the agreement they made with the interventionist, not me. I still don’t know what he said to them.)    

Karen started the process but looks like she didn't follow through.

(Karen-my mom's sister was there when I was made the promises during the intervention. She probably doesn’t want to face me because she doesn’t want to lie to a judge. My Grandma did admit to the head of my church a promise was made to me if I went to the ‘treatment center” to the Bishop.) 

I actually went in Mom's email and deleted her copy of the email below (I have been filtering her email for quite some time). 

(It is upsetting to have someone bring up the past. I get that. My Grandmother could always fulfill her promise. I tried to use the Bishop to negotiate an agreement that wouldn’t cost her a dime. She refused. And I got mad because I realized my mom gave Mormon missionaries a fake email address and phone number a while back. I can see her records as a member. The intervention was psychological warfare that hasn’t ended, and won’t until someone admits fault. They won’t even tell me what the interventionist said so I can address how my medication use hurt them. They just ignore me, claiming that until I am nice, they will ignore me,… while I struggled with being homeless because they tricked me into being homeless. Forgive someone for making you homeless while you are homeless and don’t ask them to help in any way that could be considered rude, even if you are forced to sleep outside? That is the situation I was in.)    

It is just too upsetting for her.  Of course, it is so upsetting for all.  

(My grandmother shouldn’t be on email anyway. She has fallen for numerous Nigerian Scams and said, “I just can’t believe all of them are a scam.” She could have signed a piece of paper and made good on her promise to me and wouldn’t have any problems. I also agreed to leave them alone if I was taken off the will. It is important to note they are a wealthy, greedy family. I think their money is cursed, and not because it is in USD...well not primarily)  

Below are options we have tried the last seven plus months: 

(Below is what we tried that is not working. Please select one because I know him and what do regarding him.)

Ignore him and hope he goes away--that hasn't really worked.  I think he is hoping to get a response from someone and doesn't so he gets more ridiculous.  He hates being ignored.  However, history has shown if you do answer, it fuels the fire and escalates his email. 

(You know what is ridiculous, tricking someone, lying to someone, making your child homeless, and then ignoring them, and then expecting that person to be kind to you. They ask me to forgive them, but what you are looking at is a case where justice shouldn’t rob mercy. My grandma made me a promise. Her, Karen, my Bishop, and the interventionist all know it.)   

The second option is to also get an anti-harassment order, which is a pain but so far effective

(Effective if the desired result is to not be contacted by your child and let Narconon Fresh Start destroy other families by doing nothing and have only one child to care for you in your old age, despite the effort and expense of raising two.)  

There is the third option which is to answer his emails but so far that has not produced any good results.  

(This is a passive aggressive indication to no do this. A good result to me would be find out what really happened. A good result for my mom would be for you to not read this. It is hard to believe that drugs were what was causing me all my problems, with my mom, and then family, while I work as an admin just like she did, and still take the same medication, basically. My doctor won’t prescribe me benzos as long as I own crypto currency. I am too busy to find another doctor and don’t have anxiety about finding a job or convincing my mom I am doing the right thing, which is impossible and causes extreme anxiety.)   

He ignores everything and anything we have said to try to get through to him, then his emails come more frequently and more crazy. 

(Getting through to me is composed of telling me I had a drug problem and that they had no choice but to send me there. I try to make the case to them that you cannot help someone with a drug problem if they don’t think they have one. I also try to explain that God’s greatest gift is free will. The Mormons call it free agency. The gift of free agency is more valuable than life itself. Mormons do not conduct interventions for that reason. It is important to note they are tempted to force their children just as my mom and grandma have done to me, and their spouses. My mom isn’t responsible for the results I get. I am an admin just like her and she had nothing to do with it. This is why we are here on earth, to decide for ourselves what is evil and what is good. Nagging and Xanax are both evil.)     

I got the anti-harassment order because it was very difficult for me to ignore him and I just couldn't deal with it anymore.

(No, she used her free will to decide to not deal with it anymore and is pressing others to do the same, in an indirect and direct way.)   

I have pretty much requested to be out of the loop.  My sanity is at stake and the reason I went to court.  I am done, for at least one year.  

(Because I view my time in an eternal sense and understand I am part of eternity, she isn’t teaching me a lesson by not talking to me for a year. She is just using her sanity to make threats about it, which is up to her, not anyone else.  I will do my best to convince everyone I can that free agency is part of God’s plan for us to have eternal life. When I get frustrated, which is easy when you trip over your belonging for years, struggling to find housing even though you have a stable job, I use what I learned at Narconon to bull bait. It should also be noted that our eternity is at stake, for at least eternity. Faith in Jesus Christ is critical for salvation, not our own reasoning or amateur diagnoses.)   

Honestly, I think the best think you can do for you and Bill is to block any and all of his email addresses so you don't even see them. 

(Translation: I will select one of the choices for you. Block him and everyone you don’t know. The block-chain won't be a problem for us as long as we don't email him on accident.)

Warm Regards,

@Cryptroppel's Mom

Donate BTC: 12XExegqAdMMo2noc7C7jRYxDRXtp9QH7u   

Donate LTC: LLENN68aAmbmpmn2JvA7658fj1D5QZc8f4  

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