The Diary Game: August 6, 2020: Corruption In My Health Insurance Bothers My Thoughts Amidst This CoViD Pandemic

in #thediarygame4 years ago

Arnold sunglasses.jpg

I do not think that I can ever survive with my online earnings alone if not for my health insurance. I could survive for a while, maybe months but not maybe a couple of years paying out of pocket for my twice-weekly dialysis session.

I really do not want to bother anyone if it would happen that all my finances had drained down and that I will be a financial burden after that. I am praying to God to never let that happen because it will not be only a problem for me but also my parents and siblings would get affected emotionally and mentally.

My immediate relatives really are not obligated to help me. My parents should just be relaxing away and not thinking about me anymore, it is just in our culture here in my country that families are closely knit and that my parents and sibling will really never let me go alone living by myself with this kind of condition.

So any assistance from my family I really do not want to take, it is not pride or all that but I do not want cause trouble to any of them due to my misfortune.

So I am really thankful that I have friends here in our community that had been around helping me out sometimes unknowingly and often directly. So many of you to mention but you know who you all are.

My Life Is Just A Living



With All These Things That Bothers Me

The kind souls that had helped me all the while you will get your repayment from God himself and if God would pay how really special that will be?

Anyway I am still bothered by the fact that my health needs is so ridiculously heavy in terms of cost considering that I am under a medication that I can never take-away because of the terrible physical pain that will ensue because of my hyperparathyroidism condition. I do not want to go back where there is like a big clothespin clipping on my back. That is why even though it causes me a severe appetite-loss I am still religiously taking it.

Now if my health insurance would fail then my days are counted faster than 4:00 AM. Of course it will really get some issues because of the CoViD-19 Pandemic, lockdowns like ECG, MECG, or GCQ, the types of quarantine levels that affects the economy and affects the work of many will surely affect the collection of my government health insurance.



Some People In The Government Are Relentless From Being Corrupt Despite Of We Are All Suffering From The Pandemic

I am just trying to keep a positive thought that things will still be okay and I will get a big sigh of relief if finally a CoViD vaccine will get developed because of course humanity will be saved, the economy will roll again with a mighty roar, and the coffers of my health insurance that myself my fellow dialysis patients is relying upon will get filled-once again.

I just hope that the corruption over that government branch will be resolved as soon as possible because even amidst this pandemic the corruption had been rampant, greedy officials feeding off the blood of the real people that needed to live or at least get saved from misery and lingering death.


Nice diary.

Corruption is really bad for any country. There is no improvement in the country due to corruption. Now covid19 is playing a bad effect in our mind. People are in fear. Schools and colleges are closed in our country. There is panic among the people due to the virus. Hopefully this situation will end soon. Hope you will be safe and healthy in this situation.

Thank you.

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