Sometimes I Could Eat More If I Like The FoodsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health5 years ago (edited)


A Toast With Butter Is What I Am Craving For Sometimes

Today I am craving for salted eggs and tomatoes as my viand, it is meant to be eaten with something like rice but it is really nice when the salted egg is mashed a bit with tomatoes and eaten as a viand with rice because the salted egg is made from duck egg and it truly is delicious.

Now it is just my trip to have some of it for my lunch but I am not having lunch because it is just time to eat but because I am hungry which meant a lower blood sugar at the time of eating. It is better for me to wait until my body is wanting to get some calories before I eat otherwise I will not be able to eat much at all and waste some of the food in the process.

So I do not want that to happen that is why I am like intermittently fasting in that regard because my body just cannot tolerate food like other normal people does because I could not load up on food that much in my tummy if not I am on dialysis and hungry.


The Salted Duck Egg Is Everyone's Favorite

The bad thing is that I am easily satiated and after a few bites I am already feeling full particularly if I would eat organ meats where the taste just lingers in my mouth and that is not good if my dialysis is just a few days away. It is just recommended that we eat forbidden foods a few hours before dialysis so that it would get cleansed off when hooked-up at dialysis.

But I am eating much at dialysis because most of it are just carbohydrates from rice, my dialysis meal is just some fried meat which isn't that much that my mother buys from the convenience store where I buy my dialysis food bit it is so tasty because of the gravy on it. It really is not the food but my appetite to eat is the big factor that I can eat that much which returns to me after about an hour being hooked up at dialysis and so I would eat to my heart's content.

I just wished that my appetite is normal and I have no restrictions on food and fluids that I could intake so that my situation would not be that hard for me but it is all included in the soup of my health problems so I am forced to deal with it just for me to be able to survive in this health mess that I am into.


I got to this post early so my vote should earn me good curation

Your posts seem to earn great curation

I think you could do a lot if you joined a site like gofundme and simply showed them your steem account whatyouve built heer and ask the gofundme or kickstarter or indygogo whatever one is crypto friendly, to let you raise money for a scotbot community which is only around $600 or so now, and maybe $1000 to pay for it and some good marketing for a few hundred dollars and inv for steem accounts

anyway you deserve to be able to go out and tell your story and just ask for money to build a new community base don whateve ryou want, if you want

but you should really do this man you deserve to have one and you could really raise a lot of money with a simple youtube video put bitcoin address at bottom

even if u dont want a scot community You should show the world in an indigogo or kickstarter crowdfunding video that youve made SO much progress on steem , collectingthese communitytokens and that you wanna rais emoney to create some big program whatever you want, u could probably impress teh world to show them how youve had all of these difficulties yet you still went online and found a way to not just make money or get into crypto, dont even mention that just explain it like its software, its IT work, it make syou happy AND helps others around tehw orld

your just a Man with a story of hardship whose asking for funds to build software like steve jobs and bill gates do, people will be inspired AND believe in you because computers is something you actually can do at home even in bed, so people can root for you and help you get over some of the lower levels, but we need to make you a celebrity on american television like a show like Ellen

a show like Ellen could show your story and all you have to do is liek start talking about Ellen and raising awareness to get on teh ellen show something liek that lol I bet she wouldnt be able to say no if you wante dto raise like millions of dollars to put into your blockchain projects

just call it "blockchainprojects" :D

i can see the vision in my head right now of you on stage of The Ellen Degeneres show, (shes a billionaire) and show shes giving you a Giant Check for millions of dollars to invest in your online Blockchain businesses , she knows how much it will mean to you to have the funds to help all of the people you work with on the social networks get even more people online with more smartphones and funding for blockchain education in philipines etc etc so many options for how to talk about it

Now is the time to do a hail mary and produce a video asking for support and paying $10 for a youtube ad where you just have a video of yourself and some other steemians talking about how much steem helps people and the software how great it is, how it can be economic freedom for so many and u arent trying to get anyone to invest into anything u just need money to create a infrastructure for millions more people who never would have a chance to get onto steem etc,

You should be posting to instagram with food again, once @share2steem is ever back @algocoder disappeared I heard?

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