It Always Surprises Me How A High Flux Dialyzer Cleans The Blood Efficiently And Improves My Well-being

in GEMS4 years ago


I just remember the days that I was not really getting the best dialysis treatment because of my family's issue of paying for then my every five days dialysis treatments. Not one of use have health insurance, my father have no clue of that and my mother has no budget nor the "know-how" how it works which is why I haven't gotten the best treatment for myself.

It is too bad that I had experienced having to start dialysis with bad session days with regards to cleaning quality for so many years before I had figured-out and or discovered for myself that there is such a thing as a high flux dialyzer, the type of dialyzer that has bigger holes where bigger molecule toxins like uric acid and others would easily pass from the blood and out to the dialysate solution and then off to the drain.

The dialyzer is by the way the "artificial kidney" that dialysis patients use via a dialysis machine to filter out their blood when their Kidneys are no longer working.

When I was just starting-up I am just using the regular one and not the high-flux until I was able to afford to use the high flux type. By that time I was already using my government health insurance which allocates one dialyzer per month but it was only a regular type of dialyzer. So I just have to add some money for me to be able to avail the high flux.

The result was so dramatic to my body as my breath no longer gets the smell of ammonia at least too soon, unlike in the old times which had been like that for years that I was enduring it that awful smell of ammonia in my breath even after a day of getting dialyzed.


Image by WikimediaImages from Pixabay

The Dialyzer Uses The Same Principle Of A Coffee Filter, It keeps The Coffee Granules In (The Blood Components, RBCs, Etc.) But Lets The Coffee Solution Pass Through (The Toxins Including What The Body Needs Like Sugars And Protein Compounds

Plus more importantly the itching of my skin due to the high elevation of Phosphorus in my body has lessened if not completely gone even though back then I am still not in a strict diet.

But it was just recently that I only was able to use a high flux dialyzer, about five years ago and the rest of the thirteen years it was just a regular dialyzer that I am using so it resulted in unwanted toxins always up in my system particularly Phosphorus which then had caused my parathyroid glands to go haywire and get hyperactive. Now i am suffering some bone weakening and deformities. @appreciator

I couldn't blame anyone anyway even my doctors and nurses because of my status in life where I really cannot afford the treatments so it was just mainly the dialysis that I was trying to patch-up and not the necessary medicines like the phosphate binder, regular laboratory examinations and tests, etc. are all just left to be set aside.

Anyway now I was enjoying the better clean compared to if I would use the regular dialyzer. So if I would have a more frequent treatments it will then of course elevate my well-being particularly with the use of the efficient high flux dialyzer which actually improved the quality of my life unlike before where I always feel that I am poisoned to that point that I would gag easily.

So it is like always new to me when I am getting dialyzed because of the relative quality of the blood cleaning process that I am getting even though my nurses are just setting the blood pump at the low setting and i might check on that issue again so that I can get the best dialysis comparatively.

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