Dear Diary: It's My Dialysis Today And I Am Bring My Lozenges With MesteemCreated with Sketch.


It is just terrible to have a coughing fit at dialysis because it is difficult and painful for me to do so and I cannot just sit and do it so I am bringing my lozenges with me to help me calm it down a bit.

I am not seeing any yellow color on the mucus that I am letting out but just a colorless sputum denoting a "no infection" which I am hoping that I am right and would recover from it soon. I was able to sleep last night and I am glad that I did even though my sleep is just very short compared to normal people.

I do not know if I would report this cough to my doctor because I expect them to ask me the color of my sputum/mucus but maybe I will tell my doctor anyway to help me with my couch and hopefully it will help me recover faster than taking on these lozenges.


I do not know why my lozenges work but they do that is why I am continuing on talking them. I cannot just drink this or that tea or concoction of some sort because of my liquid intake restriction.

Now it is my dialysis and this will help me reducing the stress on my ribs when I cough because it is painful now to couch and I am not producing enough phlegm if I do cough but I hope God would heal me soon because I am in a misery when I do have a coughing fit.

I am actually relying on my own immune system and vitamin C to help me pull through this


You've got to get over your cough. Lozengers are a good choice instead of watery products. I see your lozengers come from Thailand. They have good medicine.

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I am starting to feel much better today than yesterday @gungho I hope that this will continue for my completer recovery.

I hope you feel better. Cough while on dialysis can be really uncomfortable

Hope your dialysis is successful today and you will be better after that.

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