Dear Diary: It Is Dialysis Day Today Which Always Makes Me Happy

in #health6 years ago (edited)


It is just my hope that someday my health insurance could cover more treatment allowances for us dialysis patients here in my country and I am fortunate that somehow the government has the heart enough to create such government insurance that is quite lenient about its coverage particularly for dialysis patients because of the high cost of dialysis sessions.

In some health insurance they would ask if you have an underlying disease before giving you the premiums that could cover your expenses but not with our government insurance service, all you needed to do is just be a member for about nine months of continuous payments before you can claim for benefits.

So what I do is to pay for the whole year which costs me of about $50 and I would be covered for at least ten months of dialysis with a twice a week dialysis so it is a fantastic system and it gives hope to other patients that somehow being a dialysis patient will not be a death warrant for them unlike in the old times where payments comes entirely from out of pocket.

It is just my hope that my government insurance would cover all the treatment plans of three times a week for the whole year then patients will not get so hard up with their lives. But hospitals still charge extra fees which makes things hard especially for really poor patients.

Dialysis is hard in the pocket and body in all angles because of the complications especially for long-term patients like me that is suffering with pain and uncertainty of an even worse health complications. So we still needed much prayers and love because all will be taken from us like in my case and it takes me in a deep worry about it all, a nightmare that I could not be awakened from.


Wow! One year of insurance is only $50? Mine is around $300 per month.

Yes Sir but it doesn't cover all expenses so if you are a poor patient it is still hard to pay especially doctor's fees which are not covered and the extra medicines needed.

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