Dear Diary: I Am No Longer A Coffee Addict

in #health6 years ago


It is just amazing that I was able to last a few days without drinking coffee. I was drinking coffee ever since I was just a little boy and in fact my mother weaned me from drinking milk and replacing it with coffee along with some buffalo milk which we with my siblings eat with some rice or bread.

But I have used coffee extensively during my school days where I just needed to study hard or was doing a schoolwork with the use of a typewriter. There are also times that I needed coffee to cure my headaches because of my anemia and I am glad that I am free now from headaches and anemia thanks be to God.

I think replacing coffee with juice helped me from weaning myself from drinking coffee but I was discouraged of drinking coffee because it magnifies the bitter taste in my mouth that is caused by my Parathyroid medication. So I replaced it with pineapple juice because it is the only juice that is the cheapest that I could buy.

Now I do not have the urge anymore to want coffee which is fantastic but I am using a caffeinated energy drink only at dialysis just to keep my blood pressure stabilized. I noticed that my high blood pressure also had an improvement but I will see if it was the case after getting a reading later before dialysis.

If the nurse today that takes my blood pressure reading prior to my dialysis twill tell me again that my blood pressure is normal or near normal then I could say that my caffeine-free body just made a positive result.


That's what I drink from time to time, PINEAPPLE juice. I mostly drink distilled water. GOOD JOB @cryptopie

good for you Pie!!!! I can't get off of it, every damn other thing I can at least take long arse breaks from but I can't do that with caffeine because drank for so long when I stop it gives me Migraines so bad. I need your secrets on it because I can not drink/smoke some food things but coffee is one hella drug. Is like when you go off it did you get headaches and get those migraine type thing like almost like seeing stars? It is very ingrained in America and most of the world and am proud you got off the Star*ucks

I just drank pineapple juice, it is my water now @battleaxe.
Now I can sleep much better.
But the pain really is profound now in my hip joint so I must take an analgesic for it.

Research "Dry Fast" the benefits to one's health is amazing...

Friend @cryptopie that hurts that I can not say the same, I am very addicted to the coffe, precisely here in Venezuela there are times it gets scarce and today I was everywhere looking for coffee, but it is better to get rid of those habits.

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