A Guest Would Come To Visit Me Tomorrow Bringing Welcoming Gifts For Me

in #blog4 years ago

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My former high school classmate's husband would visit me tomorrow. Actually the one who would visit me should be my former classmate but she is working in Saudi Arabia for a family's household there as cooks.

I haven't asked who was his husband that will drop-by to visit, I do not know his name yet too. She said that his wanted to see me so I will have to meet him here at my home. I hope that he will not get shocked about my appearance though but I am expecting that. My former classmate said that they would bring me some fruits and possibly some cash too for my medical needs, something that really puts a smile on my face even though I look ridiculous when I smile.

From our last conversation with my classmate we talked about my favorite fruits that I liked to eat, I said to her that I like cantaloupes and watermelon but currently I am having some apples because I must not get constipated and that is the solution that I am doing and it does work good but it raises my Potassium into dangerous levels.

But I have no chose because I do not want to get constipated anymore. Now if I would die due to a heart stoppage due to my fruit consumption then so be it I would be free if that would happen even though I will not be able to achieve my goals.

I am actually afraid to take in guests but my classmate is really eager to visit me. If you can just imagine a former shy person and then suffering from appearance problem just is like putting salt on the wound for me. That is why I am so embarrassed to get seen by other people no matter how I wanted to ignore that it just affects me particularly here in my place where people are just either curious or just impolite.

So it will be a mixed feeling for me to receive a guest for tomorrow. Certainly I will have to see him unlike to my other class/batchmates that I refused to meet.

Fortunately I am coherent now when I speak unlike a couple of years ago where I could not even press my lips together, drink fluids while sitting up, or eat while sitting up too. So now I can just talk without people telling me "What-what?"

That will happen tomorrow God-willing and I thank God for such friends with beautiful hearts that shows that they care for me in a manner of ways that they wanted.

I am yet to tell my mother who will come to pay a visit and she surely will be happy about it. @nathanmars said he will visit me when he goes to the Philippines, I just refused but now Mr. Nathan you have my go signal you can visit me, you can bring along some friends too. In fact I welcome you all now to see me in the flesh and the condition of the house that I am living if it is still conducive to me and my parent's health. You are all welcome, I will cook for you one dish via my mother's support :D

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