My most memorable gaming moments.

in #gaming7 years ago

Gaming is a huge part of my life, it's probably what i do the most of each day, but there are certain moments that stick with me to this day, so here's my list of memorable gaming moments in no particular order, i also hope to hear from you guys as to what your favorite memories are.

The Nuke goes off and you die.

This was a big one in terms of story telling in gaming, Modern Warfare was in it's own right revolutionary in terms of multiplayer, but the single player was also a trek and a half, in the mission before Aftermath you are tasked with getting out of the middle eastern city only to be called to retrieve a downed chopper pilot, after a hectic close quarters fight you finally make it to your chopper with the pilot on board and begin to fly off, and you generally feel satisfied in real life.

That's when the nuke detonates a few hundred feet away from you hitting your chopper and downing it, in the mission Aftermath you awaken from the crash to a destroyed burning city and limp around helplessly hallucinating children calling for help until you finally succumb to your wounds and die.

For me this was a big moment in story telling because before this i can't remember an action game where you did everything right and were rewarded with not only your death by the deaths of thousands of your fellow soldiers, and I remember sitting there absolutely defeated like "what happens now?"
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We're all gonna burn for what we did to you

Dead space 2 probably has one of the best opening sequences in gaming, after some brief flashes of his time in a mental ward, Isaac is awakened by someone claiming they have to get them out of there quickly, before you have anytime to react a necromorph piercing the persons head and the transformation begins as you're quickly faced with a newly changed necromorph trying to eat you.

The first 3 minutes are a mad dash through a mental ward as necromorphs eat and generally destroy everything that moves or looks even remotely human, after getting to an observation era you meet a doctor who frantically tells you what is happening before showing you how to get a weapon and regain some health.

However as you turn around you're met with him holding a piece of glass to his own throat before he says to you "Isaac, we're all going to burn for what we did to you" before nearly cutting his own head off and leaving not only Isaac, but you the player to wonder "What the actual fuck is happening here and what did they do to him/me", as you find out it wasn't the best thing.

Oh fuck this game, getting one shot by Diablo in Hardcore

This was well before i started using guides and decided to make a hardcore character as my first character in diablo 2, after 2 solid weeks of farming and upgrading i was finally ready to take on the big bad Diablo, i walked into the area and saw diablo, walked up to him and engage the fight and immediately got hit by his lightning killing me instantly and deleting my character.

Weeks of farming had just been undone in a few seconds and it also cost me a keyboard that i threw at the wall and a broken door, seriously, fuck that game.

Spec Ops: The Line, the entire game

I had no idea of the emotional roller coaster this game was going to be, thinking it was just another standard military FPS the game quickly took a dark turn for me as you slowly realize the kind of hell you're trapped in and the consequences of your actions, this game provided a really unique way of experiencing a game as the ending completely rewrites everything you think you did in from the start.

Probably the most memorable part of it though, is that the worst part of the game wasn't rewritten, you actually did that, it wasn't an hallucination or a trickery.

You're pinned down by an overwhelming enemy force and have no recourse but to use the white phosphorus mortar shells near you to even the odds, but as the smoke begins to clear you realize not only have you horribly killed the opposing enemy with many of them still screaming and burning, but you've accidentally killed an entire ridge line worth of civilians that were trapped in the firefight.

It's not every day a game makes you commit a war crime and even with this one being accidental you still feel really bad in real life because of it, i remember sort of leaning back in my chair and thinking "ohhh i fucked up big time with this" and immediately went back to see if you can fight your way out without using it(you can't)
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Walking among the people you accidentally killed

Killing Illidan for the first time and both glaives dropped

Sadly i don't have the audio from my old vent logs anymore, but after a few weeks of black temple we finally killed Illidan, after a few nights of wiping the excitement from killing the boss was an amazing feeling, but when we opened up the loot window, two orange shiny weapons were looking back at us, the warglaives of Azzinoth.

Anyone who raided black temple knows how rare getting just one was, most guilds could kill illidan for months without seeing even one drop, so to get two on the first kill our ventrillo absolutely exploded in happiness(even though i was a holy pally) seeing two glaives drop our main rogue running around with them was amazing.

Thanks for reading guys, if you liked it feel free to resteem, but i do want people to share their favorite or most memorable gaming moments below.

Thanks guys

~Crypto Krieg.


Modern warfare 2 was the first game I ever pre-ordered so glad I did was an awesome turning point for the franchise.. However my favorite moment in gaming was playing Fable 2 as a young teenager never having played a game like that before I fell in love with the massive open world on my xbox and at the time was amazed by the detail in the game.. I however do remember the feeling of once completing the game feeling like I lost an old friend :(

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