Bernie sanders and wife under investigation for bank fraud, oh the irony.

in #politics7 years ago

Bernie ran his entire campaign on breaking up the banks and attacking the rich, after the DNC rigged the election against him he endorsed the candidate that is the complete antithesis of everything he said.

After buying a new house and car with the donations from his campaign, he now finds himself in the middle of a bank fraud investigation to the tune of 10 million dollars with his wife.

His supporters seem strangely quiet on this, but i can only guess his excuse will be to blame the rich somehow.



Hey, I don't think this is about left and right. These dichotomies are tools used to divide us and make us fight each other. The left-right paradigm is one of the worldviews that makes people inconsistent and hypocritical.

The only real divide is between those who want to control the flow of life, and those who want to ride it.

Excellent comment, a man who gets it. I'm quite shocked by how many people on Steemit, a platform where I thought there would be alot of open minded and cutting edge thinkers , fall for the same left-right crap thats been fooling generations. THEY ARE ALL THE SAME!!!! Definately followed ... you will like some of my posts on these matters.

let me know what you think

Thanks gamma-rat :) I'll definitely check out your posts, starting with that one

Just have to love the left; how does this work, earning money is greed, but embezzling money is a right? Or it this a case of being generous with other people's money. Notice, how most leftist are always looking for others to be charitable to the leftist ideals.

I dont know what to do now.
If he did some fraud he should go to some court.
Or other people should bring him there.

I dont know if i should upvote now or not.
I will resteem for free.

I watched a recent Clif High interview, may have been with Greg Hunter, where he mentioned that his webbots predict the DNC isn't around in 2020. Bankrupt and extinct! We should remember to be careful with this kind of news as well because it could also be a set up by the deep state, Podesta -Clinton gang!

how about two terms for every politician

one in office


one in jail

I can't see any irony in a politician being crooked? The irony is reserved for anyone who believes these paid liars are anything but. He's doubtless a peado too thats more likely the reason he was compromised.

Question everything read in the media. He may or may not be under investigation. He may or may not have been set up. I will only believe first party journalism at this point.

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