As Germany Burns.

in #photography7 years ago

I wanted to take the time to post some pictures of the current war zone that is Hamburg, Germany.

No these aren't doctored photos or pictures of a war torn country, this is Germany in 2017 as world leaders gather to discuss global political problems, rioters have set the city of Hamburg aflame, destroyed businesses and attacked police officers, below you can see the destruction they have caused.

Fires ravage the streets of Hamburg.


Trendy "Protesters" can't help but take selfies celebrating the destruction of their own town.


A police car burns as fire crews can't navigate the riots.


I'm sure this store owner completely deserved having his business destroyed for no reason.

download (2).jpg

A fleet of police vehicles are burned.


The riots have become so intense German special forces had to be called in.


Police and rioters clash on the first day of G20

Rioters take control of streets by setting fires.

It's truly sad to see this happen, but it's to be expected with "protesters" becoming more and more alike to terrorists every day what's truly sad is that the taxpaying citizens of Hamburg will have to pay to have everything fixed, and local businesses and lives have been destroyed by people who have nothing better to do than riot and commit violence.


This is what abusive governements breeds...

Sad but true.

I wonder how much merkel is paying them...

It's not Merkel you have to worry about, it's sorros.

They are both dangerous, but ultimately I think rotchild controls both of them

There are 13 families who are the 1% of the 1%. They are the globalist elites that control the world & the actions of politicians & other influential people.
Here is a list of our masters;
1.Rothschild (Bauer or Bower)
3.Cavendish (Kennedy)
4.De Medici
11.Sinclair (St. Clair)
12.Warburg (del Banco)
13.Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe)

Good list of evil bastards!

I just say rotchild to keep things simple, but yeah that looks like the usual suspects...

you forgot kissingers

So did he

brezinsky too but he "supposedly" died a few weeks ago.

The anti-democracy Marxist Antifa have been planning for the G20 summit for months, and their mission has been given more impact by the fact that Germany/Merkel chose, to the dismay of Hamburg’s police, to hold it at a venue in the middle of the major city. And of course, the rats and cockroaches came to tear shit up. No mission was accomplished other than destruction.. same as always.
And they can run around and do this shit with impunity, because Germany doesn't have the 2nd Amendment.

I really wish more people would research how destructive marxism is to the world at the moment, most of them have no idea how dangerous it is, cheers blue!

Imagine Marxism where the distributed ledger and blockchain kept track of assets and resources and the allocation of such. Marxisms flaw was a human one not an ideologic.

Give them the rope.

That's exactly what Merkel did. She chose the location of this years G20 Summit. She said that people have the protest. But these are not protesters, they are rioters & criminals. We are going to loose more liberties after this government operationon.

Sedition laws would be great here.

Or a 2nd Amendment would be much more effective.

That aswell haha.

Honestly mate, if we all still had our guns, there would be a lot less of shit like this going on.

Start shooting the violent rioters dead.

The riots will stop immediately.

Or escalate to a civil war. Or embolden the populace that then quickly oust the current regime like in Ukraine. It should be possible to box in a street where damage is being done with 19.000 police officers on location. Or how they usually do it here in the Netherlands, with dozens of undercover officers among the protesters. As soon as they see persons causing damage they follow, position other officers, and apprehend when the opportunity presents itself. And with new things like drones that track every moving object the size of a football and bigger in a five square mile area it should be easier today then it was before.

All you need is a few Roof Koreans in Hamburg right now.

I'm not in the school of thought that protest should be used as an avenue to stage violence.It is uncalled for,hopefully someday people will realize violence is not a way to solve a problem,it only worsen the case.
#stay safe residents of Hamburg#

Yeah i really hope the average citizen in Hamburg is actually safe tonight, thanks harby

You are welcome cryptokrieg

Does this behavior persuade anyone to their cause?

No obviously not. So you should seriously doubt that they are there for the same cause as is protested for/against. They are probably there to smear the real protesters by use of violence, looting and damaging, beside police vehicles, private property. Anybody with 2 functioning brain cells can figure out that it would be better for respective cause to stay at home.

Sadly it does, there are a lot of people who just want to destroy.

Great point. But I doubt it, only mindless fools who want to destroy private citizens property join the fascists called Antifa.

We fail to realize Blockchain technology was apart of this G20 summit it isnt globilization, its politics and formal meetings our global leaders should have more of.

Good post mate. Resteemed. It's really something you need to pinch yourself over. Hard to believe these images are from Germany as you say.

this Psychopaths knows exactly how to manipulate and control that's only thing they do nothing else

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