Six Reasons Crypto Will Go Mainstream

Cryptocurrency is on the verge of becoming mainstream. We find ourselves at a pivotal point in time where the global financial system is crumbling and technological advances are facilitating a new era of how people transact with one another. Below are the six main reasons why I believe cryptocurrency will become mainstream.

Fiat Collapse

The modern monetary system is falling apart. People don't want the government or anyone else controlling their money. Money is literally printed and injected into the economy depreciating your net worth every year. If you don't already know that the US dollar is printed by a PRIVATE organization, please research what the Rothschild family has "accomplished" over multiple generations worth of time. Think Warren Buffet is rich? The Rothschild family is estimated to be worth $500 trillion. I repeat; $500 trillion. With a 'T'.

Digital Money for a Digital Global Economy

The need for physical money is already evaporating. Everything is already done via credit card or bank transaction where no physical money is exchanged, and the transaction values are merely numbers on a screen.

Easy/International Transactions

It takes a long time to transfer funds in between countries. Crypto breaks much of the red tape, fees, and time needed to transfer money across borders.

Technology Adoption

Due to the rise of the digital age, technology adoption by the masses accelerates dramatically. Let's take the telephone for example. The telephone took about 45 years to become common in 60% of households, yet cell phones accomplished the same feat in about one third of the time, or roughly 15 years. How long will it take for digital currency to reach 60% of household adoption? That question is currently being answered as I compose this content.


Ah, yes, arguably the most important facet of digital currency is decentralization. By using fiat currency, you are willingly buying into a broken system. Paper money based on nothing in which we inherently give value to. Sure, we currently need some fiat to pay the bills, buy necessities, etc. Yet this is the only real value it has. When you can go buy milk at Vons with crypto, fiat currency will be worth pennies on the dollar. Decentralization empowers people and gives them control of the value of their money.

A.I. and Minimum Wage

This reason is more foresight oriented than any of the others. Currently, the minimum wage in the US is very low, to say the least. With the rise of the minimum wage and technology, jobs are being lost to innovation. McDonalds workers in San Francisco are being replaced by automated kiosks, cashiers at the grocery store are being replaced by self-serve options, and the effect snowballs. Once automation engulfs the trucking industry, one of the last blue-collar, decent wage paying jobs left in America, the economy will feel the effects in a big way. Suddenly there is a huge void of employment. So, what do people do to earn a living? Well, one way is though a universal basic income (UBI) where every individual would essentially receive a stipend to be able to live, and if you want to earn more you go to school and innovate. Another is by people being able to earn income through renting computer power to their peers, renting out computer storage space to the cloud, posting valuable content on social media, or any other one of these income streams digital currency is providing.


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I love the idea of change but somehow think that things will go slower than perhaps suggested. Many people are not that eager to move away from fiat and the traditional banking system. Same goes for businesses. So the realistic scenario is probably a further development (and growth) of the cryptocurrency scene - with bubbles and busts and all - and a traditional sector slowly moving towards applications of cryptocurrency and other blockchains applications. In the end, it will probably merge together beautifully.

And yes, centralised control will probably suffer.

Companies that accept crypto are telling their customers they also do not agree with the current financial system. By accepting crypto they are becoming part of a larger community that embraces change, understands that the financial system is corrupt, and that people ultimately want power over the value of their money. Companies that accept crypto are showing their customers that they are ethical and forward thinking. In my opinion, if (and when) crypto becomes mainstream, it will hit hard and fast. Catalysts would be countries and companies accepting crypto as legal tender. When China and Russia digitize their entire monetary supply, all countries that do not follow suit will become irrelevant.

I like your work bud, Follow me back

Interesting opinion, followed and upvoted

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