What Hope For The Human Race: How Good Are We?


Every now and again my faith in human nature is given a boost. Yesterday I read a story about the comedienne Sarah Silverman whereby she was abused on social media and then reacted in the most amazing way.

Somebody called her the C-word on Twitter in response to one of Silverman's tweets. Instead of ignoring him, or slaying him with a witty reply, she decided to read his timeline and reach out to him with kindness.

The reaction from Sarah's would-be troll was amazing, and I have linked the article. However for now I want to share my musings with you, and invite you to add to the debate.

Are We Intrinsically Good?

If we can avoid descending into the philosophical quagmire of what exactly is the nature of good, my feeling is yes we are. This is evidenced by the size of our cities.

Not only are we good, but we also have evolved to wear that goodness as a badge. We want to broadcast to our peers and immediate community that we are to be trusted.

We have evolved beyond our base animal instinct and overcome that urge to fight for territory and build the largest mammalian communities on the planet.

Of course there is still war, fear, murder and xenophobia, however these are perpetrated by a vocal minority.

Unless you live in a war zone, then you don't fear for your life every time you leave your house to go to the shops.

The Paradox Of Good

Despite the fact that we are intrinsically good, there is still a lot to lament in the world today. However, I feel there is not quite as much as there was in times gone by.

Our standards of living have gone up, along with survival rates. However with the advent of digital communications came a new and silent worry for the human race.

For some reason the worst of us comes out on the internet, sometimes it is as if that without the social boundaries that are set when speaking with someone face-to-face. We lose the instinct to be good.

Breaking The Mould

For me what Sarah Silverman did the other day, is more of what we need in society. Acts such as that spread and encourage goodness.

There are people doing these sorts of things everyday, and of course we are lucky enough to have witnessed Silverman's acts of compassion and kindness because she is famous . . .

Turning Good Better

So how can we move forwards and keep getting better? Is there an ultimate end goal, and is there a path to that goal?

For me there are a few key things that have to happen over the coming years, decades, and centuries for us to reach a point of ultimate good.

  • The end of the battle for resources, cheap/free renewable energy has to be available to all. Hence wars surrounding the control of fossil fuels can end.

  • The end of organised religion, whilst I would never persecute, ridicule, or denigrate anybody for believing in a god that I don't. I see that organised religion has been used as a tool to persecute, subjugate and control.

  • The end of money, one of my favourite authors, Iain M. Banks imagines a future with no money. Which of course would mean there would be no poor people, and no resentment from the have-nots, directed at the haves

  • The end of boundaries and borders, by shifting focus from our differences, we can concentrate on what makes us all the same.

Sarah Silverman's Response To Sexist Tweet

Sidenote: The C-word is seen as sexist in America, yet in the UK, you are more likely to call a man it, than a woman . . . Hmmm, maybe more musings on the subject . .



I read this really beautiful comic a few weeks ago, and I feel it's relevant here:

Sometimes when bad things happen, it might be for the greater good I guess..

Yeah, I like this a lot, and it is indeed very relevant. The person in that cartoon is happy because they feel they've done a good thing, and understood another human's potential dilemma.

Thanks for posting this, it sums it all up very neatly :-)


On most days I agree with you that we are intrinsically good but sometimes I'm not so sure.

For example, your list of what needs to happen for good to become better. Firstly I'll say that I would LOVE it if these came into being. But my inner cynic thinks that money, resources etc...aren't the problem, it's the greed behind them, it's how they are used. Money is an easy example to look at...it's just a benign means of exchange. Regardless of how much people have, the greed that causes corruption, enslavement and persecution seems to exist on its own.

I think the key is fear. Fear is behind every single thing in this world that harms others or ourselves. How do we deal with that one? Yes if we all had resources it would certainly help a lot and eliminate much crime and the impetus for stealing and taking advantage of others, but I believe we need to deal with fear each within ourselves because I have no idea how as a society or world to tackle it!

Sidenote: The C-word is seen as sexist in America, yet in the UK, you are more likely to call a man it, than a woman . . . Hmmm, maybe more musings on the subject . .

Interesting how this "insult" is used differently in the US and UK. I would say that the fact that this most powerful part of a woman and most intrinsically female part of a woman is seen as something to insult with, as something negative is an inherently misogynistic state of affairs but maybe I'm only looking at it through a limited lens.

Thanks for the good food for thought @cryptogee!

I think the key is fear. Fear is behind every single thing in this world that harms others or ourselves. How do we deal with that one?

This one is a very big point for me and is extremely complicated, I think I go some way to dealing with it in my, Understanding Hate article, twinned with this one. Fear I think, harms us most when it has been manipulated by others.

For instance, we have a natural fear of strangers which we overcome everyday, however when one section of the media asks us to fear a particular set of strangers, that's when things can turn into racism, homophobia, et al.

It is a long drawn out process, but we'll get there in the end . . . Things like this next example give me hope.

In the UK for years, it was quite acceptable to call Gypsies, gypos, the problem with the term is it was connected with entirely negative things. Thieving gypo was a term used often, because gypsies where portrayed as dishonest and untrustworthy.

Then a few years ago, a TV production company decided to make a program called My Big Fat Gyspy Wedding, the program revealed a previously unseen Gypsy community. We saw the good, the bad and the ugly, but mainly the good.

Suddenly these people who we had dismissed as thieving pikeys or gypos were finally being humanised...

Now in the UK, using the term gypo, or pikey is frowned upon, and there have been many more programs about this community, and in fact the culmination of this was when Paddy King of The Gypsies, one the Big Brother reality show.

This is a perfect example of how unfounded fears where smashed after the populace were educated, and it really gives me hope for our world! :-)

As ever, thanks for your thoughtful comments @natureofbeing :-)


It's so true that fear becomes dangerous when paired with assumptions and manipulated. And very cool example of how powerful education can be in dispelling fear and ignorance of all kinds. Also great example of how influential the media and creativity can be!

Definitely a good example of the good side of the media ... just realised I wrote one instead of won ... tsk, tsk! :-)


Ok one more note - I just read the Sarah Silverman - Jeremy Jazrozy (sp?) twitter interchange and wow, you are right! What a series of fantastic acts of kindness and big heartedness!! moved me to tears. Ok lol maybe humans are good ;-))

Hahaha! I'm not ashamed to admit, tears of joy were stinging my eyes as I read it. My other half started crying just as I was telling her about it :-)

We are good!


Interesting how this "insult" is used differently in the US and UK. I would say that the fact that this most powerful part of a woman and most intrinsically female part of a woman is seen as something to insult with, as something negative is an inherently misogynistic state of affairs but maybe I'm only looking at it through a limited lens.

I don't think you're looking through a limited lens, just one that has been crafted in America. Here people know the word is meant to be female genitalia, however is rarely, if ever used for such. It has just become the word for a horrible and aggressive person (usually male, very rarely female).

So I guess the word is always negative here and sometimes positive in the US?

Strange fact, I love hearing American women saying the word, there is something about the accent that drives me insane!

Every now and again I get my friend from Texas to say it for me, :-D Lolz, I hope you don't think me weird now; or at least not too weird!


Omg that is hilarious, I just chuckled aloud! Stay weird please!

Will do! :-)


The fact that she paid that guy's medical bills is absolutely amazing.

I find that good people and bad people even each other out to create a sort of balance.

Last week I ran to the grocery store to grab a pizza and I was only inside for 1 minute. When I came out someone had smashed into the side of my car. No note.

I was pretty enraged and depressed but at the same time I tried to think what it must have felt like for him to hit my car. Fear? No insurance. Angry wife? Bad life already. Too much for him to deal with so he just leaves.

I'd rather think that something terrible was going on in his life so he couldn't leave a note instead of thinking that he was just a complete jerk.

I really think things balance out.

It's great to see Sarah Silverman doing something like that.

I really hope the world is going in that direction and not in the other direction.

Indeed, one of the most beautiful things about that story, is that it inspired that guy to go and donate his Gofund me earnings and try and spread some of the love around. That is why these sorts of actions are invaluable to society.

Sorry to hear about your car man :-( At least you weren't in it at the time! :-)


Hey @cryptogee! Heres something that will bring you even more hope.


A global alliance of change-makers literally creating systemic level change for the betterment of all humankind.

Very interesting . . .

If I may offer a bit of constructive criticism; I like the feel of the video, however it doesn't give me much info. Also the way the popouts just expand to a plain white, document-looking window doesn't work.

The design of the site is really nice and those windows take away from that. I like the sound of the project in principle, but like I say, I'd love a bit more meat on the bone in the video.

Good work!


Some people really are sickening. I often lose faith in the human race too-I often wish I am not human simply so that I do not have to associate with such vile people. However humanity does have its good points, however small they are. I know there are a lot of good, innocent people out there who dont deserve to be punished for the wrong doings of the rest of mankind but I also cant stand what humanity is doing to Earth and to each other.

And people wonder why I dont like to socialize? People wonder why I have such trust issues?

My reasons are obvious enough in my opinion.

I hear ya, however I would say that our view of the world can often be tainted by the multimedia we ingest. For instance, since I stopped watching the news and reading newspapers or news sites, I am a lot happier. I see acts of kindness and good everyday, simply because I don't clutter up my mind with all the reported acts of unkindness.

Have faith my brother, have faith :-)


I hope everything will be fine, i believe you. Thanks :)

Values affect people's attitudes and behaviors; they play an important role in determining, shaping and directing attitudes and behaviors. . The formation of values is provided by training. There is a lack of education and training at the beginning of every problem related to humanity:/

Yes you're right, the formation of values has to come from parents, extended family and friends. Unfortunately not everyone has access to this kind of support network, I am thankful that I did have a great childhood, we were poor, but had good values. :-)


I have to say I am really enjoying the musings!

Yes I agree things are very much getting better when compared with just two hundred years ago. I think technology is and will play a crucial role in improving life for the masses. I think a site like Steemit has a great potential.

Thank you, I'm enjoying them as well, as they are sparking interest and stimulating discussion and debate, which is what I wanted for the series.

Yes we are seeing such rapid change, and the changes are coming in shorter and shorter intervals. Like you say Steemit; and things like it will have a huge part to play in our development.

Long live the blockchain! :-)


I think you thought deeply on this before putting it together. However I think for the ultimate good to come, there must be an end to racism as well, even most of the other points I think depends on it.

Aha! Yes, you've just reminded me of my last point which I forgot, which was a tolerance of other people's differences. Although I'm pretty sure if we had limitless energy, no religion and no money, people wouldn't be so racist . . .


I think that everybody is good in their opinion. No one is doing something bad for just doing something bad they just dont have the same good perception like the other person. Of course thats just my idea. But like i told u im living with my perception of good and bad. But a homeless guys perception of good and bad is much more different than me. Probably that homeless guy dont wanna steal some food or something like that. But if he doesnt eat anything for 3 days the best think he can do probably is stealing some food.

Yes indeed! As I briefly alluded to in the article, the concept of good and bad is a murky one, and like you say, very much depends on your point of view.

So I guess I was sticking to the general concept of good and bad, like, murder and rape is bad, being charitable and kind is good.

However you raise very interesting points, and I'm sure I will think about your comments for some time, musing on them, turning them over in my mind; so thank you! :-)


As long as we believe that there is a God everything will be OK

I disagree with you there, I think that the opposite can be true, however I respect your right to believe in whatever you want.

I would say this though, which particular god you believe in has a lot to do with what country you were born in and what kind of parenting you had. That in itself is a huge clue as to the existence of god(s).


There is always hope

Indeed there is.
