UET Logo_Emperor-is-naked-steemit-cryptogee-620px.jpg

The other night I came across The Useless Ethereum Token, or UET for short. This seemed like a funny name for a coin so I took a look.

The first thing I read was this;

Let's be honest—everyone's tired of ICOs. They get hyped up for weeks, and then they launch and clog up the Ethereum network for days, Coinbase goes down for a while, and then “investors” see the new tokens lose most of their “value”. This ICO is going to be different.

Hmm, so far so good, I was intrigued so I read on . .

The UET ICO transparently offers investors no value, so there will be no expectation of gains. No gains means few investors, few investors means few transactions, and few transactions means no Ethereum network lag—not to mention no depressing posts on /r/ethtrader about people losing all their savings!

Aha! I thought; this man has got my attention, he is offering absolutely no value whatsoever, and telling us about it in advance.

I like your style sir . . I read on . .

I learned all about Ethereum smart contracts and Solidity over a weekend so I could launch this ICO. Most of the smart contract contract code is copied from GitHub and Stack Overflow posts, so it should be pretty much right… right?

You had me at; I copied the code from Github.

Also, I definitely didn't have any smart contract experts look at the contract before I launched it. I mean, why bother? All the other ICOs go through weeks of auditing and they still end up with bugs and vulnerabilities in their contracts.

Good point, well made.

Unlike with every other token sale on the market, I can guarantee here and now that the value of UET will not (in fact, can not) reduce during or after the ICO. Since these tokens aren't worth anything to start with, there's nowhere to go but up!

But remember—this is a completely honest ICO, which means I don't want anyone to mistakenly expect the value of the tokens to go up, either. They're called Useless Ethereum Tokens for a reason.

Well there you have it, a rather funny joke you might say; and you'd be right.

Except for one thing, that isn't the punchline hasn't come yet. The funniest thing about the Useless Ethereum Token is that it raised 310.444 Eth, the equivalent of /$69505 at the time of offering.

That's right people, a whole bunch of people spent 310.444 Eth on a token the developer warned them would be worth nothing.

Welcome to the future, welcome to a disturbing, and frightening new world.

UET token stats_Emperor-is-naked-steemit-cryptogee_620.jpg

What can I do with UET?
UET is a standard ERC20 token, so you can hold it and transfer it.

Other than that… nothing. Absolutely nothing.

(Seriously, don't buy this. Why are you even still reading these?)

Let The Madness Begin

UET Header_Emperor-is-naked-steemit-cryptogee_620px.jpg

So now the insanity has truly begun, we know the Emperor's naked and we don't care.

We will not only trade tokens that carry promises that at best, could be described as complete bullshit. Now we will happily buy tokens that are telling us they're worthless.

Perhaps in the hope of . . ? Maybe the people who are left holding the UET wondering why they can't sell it, are hoping for a random strike of irony. Whereby it somehow becomes worth something, because it's funny.

I mean why would any . . erm, well, it turns out that it is trading . . it wen't as high as 0.02 BTC (/$58) and then crashed to a few hundred Satoshi (/$0.003).

It was pumped and dumped by the Dev, just like he promised . .

Will UET be traded on any exchanges?
I hope so. You have no idea how much I hope so.

In fact, if it does get picked up by any of the major exchanges, I promise to use some of the ICO proceeds to constantly and incessantly manipulate the market.

How do I get a refund for the tokens I bought?
You're kidding, right?

What Now?

UET Volume and Marketcap_Emperor-is-naked-steemit-cryptogee_620px.jpg

So where do we go from here? Well clearly we go headlong into oblivion, there is no what now. If you feel suitably insane, you can hunt down UET and trade it for around 1300 Satoshis.

If you do, you are crossing the boundary, into the twilight of madness, where you will buy any old shitcoin just for the laugh of it.

Perhaps this is the beginning of the end of the ICO, perhaps, just as the modern internet rose from the smouldering ashes of the dotcom boom. So too will the phoenix of cryptocurrency ascend from the burnt pyre of Initial Coin Offerings.




The logo is fun.

Haha!! totally and people still bought it!! World is going crazy!

That's my favourite part :-)


This brings up an interesting point - sometimes it's better if your "money" or "means of exchange/unit of account" isn't actually good for anything. That prevents it from being subject to the swings of supply and demand from use, which makes it a better base for contract law and exchange agreements (nobody wants price exposure/volatility in trade).

Thanks for the post, I enjoyed your humorous commentary. I'd like to think this was some sort of "high water mark/shoeshine boy" type of moment, but truthfully there are a bunch of cryptos with basically no use whatsoever that have traded for years.

I don't know which way is up anymore.

Well someone sure has made a map of cryptos with their (unique) uses no?

Thanks @cryptogee I haven't even attempted to branch out in the crazy world of purchasing anything other than steem as it is all still so confusing. I resteem a lot of post like this so I can locate it on my blog after I educate myself a bit more. Heck, I am still studying the ins and outs of steemit. Keep em comin my friend.

This reminds me of Cards Against Humanity's annual Black Friday gimmick. Last year they put a live feed on their website of a bulldozer digging a hole, and invited visitors to donate in order to keep the digging going all day. They raised a ridiculous amount of money, even though they were totally honest that there was no purpose for the hole, they were just trying to take advantage of Black Friday traffic without actually putting their product on sale, and you were basically stupid if you donated.

Great reference. I enjoy this every year.

haha I was thinking the exact same thing as I was reading this.

Yup, Black Friday is another stupid indicator, or maybe stupid barometer; yeah I think that works better :-)


Oh Gosh- is this what we have come to?!?
Well I am now looking for projects/tokens that offer value with solving real world problems. Or those that at least generate more tokens (whether useless or not)
Projects like TIME Chronobank solve a real world problem as does Lbry.
Steem tokens earn more Steem tokens.
But the project I am watching most closely does both of these: ONG Coin.
It gives full control and monetization of social media content to the actual content creators and is free from censorship. At the same time you can get paid in multiple cryptos.
Tokens are only worth the value they bring. This madness has got to slow down and find a place in reality.

Yup, the madness is fully upon us now :-)

ONG Coin.
It gives full control and monetization of social media content to the actual content creators and is free from censorship. At the same time you can get paid in multiple cryptos.

Sounds interesting, kind of sounds like Steemit, I'd like to know how they do it.


Hey cryptogee,
Briefly (and without writing the whole whitpaper here) it's a hub for all your social media channels. And you can choose to monetise your content with ads or not. If you do, you get a share of the revenue.
Your content is protected (not centralised) by running on both ethereum amd waves blockchains.
And they will integrate with Storj and Golem so you can rent out your computer to passively earn crypto

Hmm, sounds impossible at the moment . . nice idea if it one day works :-)


I jsut can't believe this has gotten so much traction in the time it has been put out there to the public to see how ICO's really work.
I thought this was joke when I first heard about it.
But as you can see. it is real and operating just like any ICO out there where people just blindingly just throw money towards something in the hope to make something back from it.
It is called exploiting people of their HOPE in something.
Or of pushing their buttons into their GREED.
Which ever you like to believe is the reason for what people do in their search for sucess thinking it is all about money and gathering more into their investment portfolio thinking they are doing nothing wrong.
But this goes to show you all that is not true
They are doing something wrong in believing in something that exposes you for the greedy little demons people can be.
Shame on you all for buying into this.
Just like giving into the BCH debacle a few days ago.
Now look how that turned out?
Into Coinbase going belly up in court and screwing us all who held funds with them and havin them turn the IRS onto those customers they deem "making too much" out of what?...

It will be the complete down fall of the United States economy.

This is just the beginning.

I think a lot of people bought it for a joke . .

Greed, for lack of a better term, is good.

~ Gordon Gecko, Wall Street.


I'm glad I found your post I haven't purchased this coin but the way you write is pretty funny and I enjoy your content. Looking forward reading more! followed and up voted.

Great article. But who is brave enough to tell the emperor. The messenger usually ends up dead?

The Emperor knows he's naked as well . .
