First Private Moon Mission Almost Makes It

in #moon5 years ago


Flat earthers and moon landing deniers wishes came true yesterday when the first non-government funded mission to the moon splash landed on Luna.

The craft, which was part of a competition to see if a privately funded rocket could touch down on our nearest satelite without any government assistance took a much longer route to the moon than previous missions. This was because it hitched a lift on a SpaceX rocket and then went its own way once it rose out of earth's gravitational well.

The craft took many pictures on its way, giving flat earthers a view of our globe earth whereby only half the countries were visible, proving that they are not all squashed up on a disk.

The mission "only" cost $100 million, a figure significantly smaller than previous missions, even though the craft crashed, rather than landed, the mission has given hope to others that one day private companies will be running more missions to the moon and beyond!

Full Story

Israel's Beresheet spacecraft crashes on Moon



Hope that next time we will be able to land successfully

Posted using Partiko Android

Have been following this story with interest, thanks for sharing @cryptogee. As you say, the relatively “low” cost could well open up whole new opportunities for future travel and missions. Still a success in my eyes.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes! In my eyes too it was a success, they at least hit the moon and got some nice photos (and I'm sure important data) along the way. Win, win! :-)



I will bet you 10 STEEM that within a month, the luminaries (lunatics) in both camps ... the Flat-Earthers and the Moon Landing Deniers ... will have crafted (pithy pun) entirely new chapters for their respective lunacies. (Did you notice how often I managed to use a word containing the word 'lune' in it? A Code, perchance? )

Of course, how do we know that the craft actually crashed? Indeed, how do we know that the whole thing wasn't a ruse? A CIA-funded deception financed through cut-outs. And, it is undoubtedly loaded with biogenic weapons designed to make women hate Romantic Comedies (this is a high priority for the Patriarchy). It's undoubtedly sneaking back to Earth's orbit unnoticed given that it possesses a cloaking device provided to the Bilderbergers by the Anunnaki.

And, as I'm sure you can surmise, this whole affair is most assuredly a 'False Flag' (that term has no relevancy whatsoever in this context ... but so what).


I would have already lost that bet had I have taken it. I'm debating with a flat earther at the moment who simply dismissed the whole affair as a BBC cover up/fantasy/false flag, they planned 911 don't you know?



Ah ... the notorious BBC. Those guys are up to their ears in the perpetuation of government cover-ups. With those guys on the job, Romantic Comedies don't stand a chance. :-)


I know right? So weird how they persuade other news agencies to report on the exact same thing as well, the dastardly fiends!


Flat earthers and moon landing deniers

False equivalency.
Flat earth can be discounted and the circumference of the earth measured with a stick. The Ancient Greeks and Egyptians managed it quite well.

I know of no moon landing skeptics who believe that we've never sent unmanned craft.

even though the craft crashed, rather than landed,

Nasa's lucked in, didn't they? - for all those Apollo missions . Phew.

That might have landed better, if only they had that lost technology.

....If only we could back engineer that lost data.... damn our stupidity!
Damn it I tell you!

Nasa's lucked in, didn't they? - for all those Apollo missions . Phew.

More to do with having 100 times the budget, mass expertise, huge resources and multiple attempts than luck.


.....but not enough to recover old technology and information....funny, eh?

Yes, that is obvious evidence that they're making the whole thing up. The three astronauts went up and hid behind a giant invisible space rock for three days before splashing back down to earth.

The whole operation cost 1000 x more than simply going to the moon, so I can see why they did it.



That doesn't explain the inability to retrieve old technology thought, does it? (Nasa engineer said it)

Can you think of any explanation?

I can't think of one example in history of that occurrence...

When all possibilities have been eliminated, no mater what's left no matter how strange....has to be the truth ( and all that).

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