Why I Might Switch Completely To Busy.org + Steem Referral Links?
Busy.org is an alternative front-end application that people use to interact with the Steem Blockchain. Their text editor is great and they have made amazing improvements on the user experience in general. I am seriously considering to switch completely to busy.org from now on...it's that good!
I didn't go on busy.org for months, it was only this weekend that I took a peep into it. To my astonishment, they have integrated referral links!
10% of their rewards for 30 days
To get there, first sign-up to Busy.org through SteemConnect. Then go to your Settings in the top right corner. You will see a link to "Invite".
Why I Might Switch Completely To Busy.Org
The Invite Link
The invite link is a pretty awesome feature. I would encourage everyone to share their busy.org invite links on their social media. It was a brilliant move by them to encourage onboarding through their platform.
Now that they have a really well functioning website, I think I'd rather direct the people I invite to join busy.org...I want people to have a good first impression and busy.org is the better option at this point.
Functioning Notification System
The fact that steemit.com notification system hasn't been repaired in months is quite annoying. Now on busy.org, I can see what's going on without having to wait for the Steemify Android App to come out.
Readability + Shareability
Compare reading my article from yesterday, ironically titled "Why Beauty Matters" on Steemit.com versus Busy.org .
The article found on busy.org is much more appealing to the eye AND much easier to share on Facebook and Twitter!
Less Buggy!
There are a lot of tabs that have bugs on my steemit.com profile. It's not easy to reply to comments, it shows the wrong reputation, sometimes showing that I have zero curation rewards, etc.
I like my front-end with less bug. Thank you.
Seeing how well busy.org is turning out to be really makes me happy and more confident in the future of the Steem Blockchain. I think busy.org has the potential to eat steemit.com lunch if Steemit Inc isn't careful about putting some efforts on the front-end.
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash
It's kind of ironic that an alternative Steem interface looks more mature than Steem's flagship website. I don't know how big busy's team is, but the progress that they have made during the last several months is astonishing. I have been using it more and more in the last 10 days, and I urge each and every one of you to give it a try ;)
@cryptoctopus, the things I like most are the possibility to see who has followed and mentioned me, as well as the in-built dtube player. Cheers!
I'm actually not excited about the see-who-followed-me feature. I'm afraid it will be like Instagram where person 1 follows person 2 in the hope that person 2 will follow person 1 back. When person 2 doesn't follow person 2 back, person 1 will unfollow person 2. It used to be the same on YouTube when everyone who subscribed to you would show up in your notifications, but after YouTube removed the visibility of this (although you can still be notified on mail), the amount of cases where people subscribe and then unsubscribe right after has been dratically reduced.
Okay, I just gave it a try and now I really like the feature. While I still agree with my own logic, It's fun to be reminded of my growing follower base.
I'm stoked on the in-built dtube player, though;)
Im a social media marketer and I agree that follow-follow will do what we experienced on istagram.
The only (and huge) difference is that on steemit amount of followers with low SP means nothing. If I can build relationship with 100 people having at least some decent SP then I would choose it instead of trying to have 1000 newbie followers.
But still many people here dont seem to realize it and they are all after "big follower" number.
I started this week to use the Busy.org platform and to my knowledge it is much easier and more intuitive when it comes to publishing.
I agree with you @cryptoctopus on the potential you have in relation to Steemit. I am still delighted with the possibility of being able to get my purse or answers with just a click on the home screen.
Ofcourse they should be better than original, but without original there won't be busy.org
I don't see Steemit.com as the original one. It was the first and for a time the only one. But Steemit was just the way Steemit Inc give to users in order to access the Steem blockchain. Busy or Zappl or both of them is the way to go.
I hope there wont be something liek a civil war between them. I mostly use busy. Steemit only for transactions and market.
Im sure Steemit will mature as well.
Were I @ned Scott, I would want this in a way. A crypto-currency which has so much dependence on one website as Steem was back in 2016 is a rather fragile state of affairs. Sure you could run your own node but still, a state actor could cripple the ability of most users to move coins. Over in Bitcoin we have many light weight wallets. As for mining requiring a single website was an awful situation and I am glad we have different sites. I hope they don't all run in the U.S.A.!
Steem Connect is a single point of failure for many websites and the alternative is typing your private keys into websites everywhere. As an old-timer in the space this makes my stomach turn!
Thank you for the 411 on this @cryptoctopus.
It has been months since I used busy also. Perhaps I need to take a closer look at it.
Personally, I should support it since I believe having more options on this blockchain is a good thing. We would experience a set back if the only way to interface with the blockchain was Steemit.
Nice way to tie it into your post yesterday. Busy.org has a lot more eye appeal.
Plus, I tell newer people that they get slider bar on busy unlike steemit requiring 500 SP....so it makes sense for newer people to use that platform.
Again, thanks for the update. I will check it out.
I've also considered for a while to switch to busy.org, the features are better and i really like that you can click images to expand them.
The only thing keeping me away from switching is that my eyes are really sensitive to white, so if they added a night mode, i may be completely swayed to switch.
Have you tried turning off the blue light on your computer? This will help tremendously with eye strain and headaches.
It can be done manually or through an app.
Here a link for instructions on Windows 10:
If you have a Mac there is a free app called Flux.
me too, i can't handle white backgrounds.
I use the darkviewer plugin though and it helps with a lot of sites, maybe try that?
I use stylish to get custom made css templates for the websites but I'll check out dark viewer, thanks!
hmmm...didn't think about nightmode. That's a good request.
I think i'm in a minority here, but i have to use night mode for everything that is super white and if it doesn't have a night mode i have to use other alternatives, i use night mode for almost every website, youtube, google, wikipedia, facebook, twitter, reddit, you name it, if it has a bright white background, i'm finding a way to get night mode running on it.
Is there a place where you can hit up the busy.org team with a suggestion?
That is their list of things that people ask them: (they are working on some of them right now)

I already switched busy.org Thanks for your further information
Guess i'll have to wait a bit, at least its on their list :-D
How do I set up the night mode here on Steemit?
Click on your profile picture on the steemit site and then choose "Toggle Night Mode" from the menu".
[x] login with private posting key
Should I switch to busy.org, can I connect to Steemit with all my posts? I will check out busy soon. I like the idea that you mentioned it had a nice interface. Hopefully, I want be as confused on busy.org as I've been here on Steemit. But still I want to interact with my audience seamlessly. Thanks for the information.
you have gotten some things mixed up.
steemit and busy are just different applications running on Steem (there are many others).
So you will see the same content on both just differently presented
I have also been using busy lately.
The fact they allow to choose the voting % even if you have little SP is cool.
Besides showing much more info than what we can found in steemit.
I saw an user commenting about nightmode, that has a simple fix. I installed the "dark reader" extension on chrome, and it works perfect.
There are of course other similar extensions to other browsers as well.
Busy.org is very convenient and easy to use app. It provides good features such as notification as you mentioned above and much more. It is far better than steemit. Steemit Inc is not making any improvement in steemit app and it very dull app but i'm used to its interface . I'm also thinking to completely change it to busy.org.
Currently writing this from busy.org! I had looked at it once before, but didn't really use it much and stuck with steemit for the time being. You're definitely right that everything looks immediately better, and it seems to have a lot of helpful little features (for example, it told me you post was 2 minute). I'm glad that there are multiple front end options and I'm going to give busy.org another try for a little while to see how it goes!
Yes I love busy.org too. The template makes text much appealing to the eyes,the word count feature is great, the notification feature and so much more. My challenge at the moment is just that on busy, I cannot see the list of users that have upvoted my post like steemit.com displays it.
I will check out the referral feature you mentioned because I didn't know about that until now.
that's a good point mate.
Actually you can see the list of people who upvoted your posts....even better, you can actually now see how much their upvote was worth which isn't there on steemit!!
You can get a google chrome app for that it's called steemitmoreinfo, it shows VP, upvote worth, etc...
Hmm I see, but busy is better as I don't need to install anything extra, which is always a bonus :D
Yes, totally agree with that!! The less apps installed in my pc the safer i feel
Nope, no point here :) Just hover over the numbers next to the thumbs up or down and you'll see the list with voting amounts and when you click on the numbers you get to see a popup with the percentage and an option to follow.
How is that and is it a new feature because I've been using it for sometime now and I can't seem to see the list of users that have upvoted my post. If you could explain that.
You can see the number of people who upvoted, right? Click on that number and it will pop up another tab with the details.

Once you click on the number, you can see the whole list.
I've have using busy.org for quite a while now. I first got to know about it because of the rewards they give based on the rewards the give from the total steempower of all your followers. But referrals is really a huge step. I believe if busy.org were to keep on this path, it will soon overtake steemit.com.
Switching full time right away to busy.org as well, imma get some referrals.
@cryptoctopus, I never knew busy.org had a notification system. Although I've not reaaly studied it a lot as I've been switching tentatively with steemit.com. is there any special way to activate the notifications.
Going to make some customized busy.org shirts😏
Seeing more and more posts like this. Will have to checkout busy.org myself and see what all the talk is about.
Busy.org is indeed a very nice interface with lots of extra features, one of them being a nice upvote with posting new posts from there and including the busy tag. Recommended!