Let a Thousand Steemit Niche Blogs Bloom...

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

article by @cryptoctopus

Bloggers and businesses on steemit are already wondering how they could have their own niche blogs focused on a specific tag within steemit on a third party website. First came someone who wanted to created a website solely based on brexit news and the latest is cyberfund (in this article).

There is demand for such product already. The technical hurdles are high for the average dev and the project need to bring home bacon in order to be sustainable.

The idea of a plugin is a good one but I think it would be much more powerful to go the way of a theme or framework.


Imagine starting a new wordpress blog, upload a theme that sets up your whole blog around the tags that you choose. Imagine if you could decide which article you publish onto the website directly from your dashboard. Imagine being able to make a steemit post directly from the backend of your wordpress? Imagine a referral system where you get rewarded by having people signing through your website...
and we haven't touch the possibility of multi-users website yet either. The possibilities are endless.

Let's 1000 niche steemit blog bloom

The World First Wordpress theme that comes with a monetization strategy.

How much would someone be ready to pay to buy such a theme? $129 a year would be too much to ask since it would pay for itself quite easily.

Now this is a full blown business of course. Creating a theme is not a one time thing. You need customer support, you need to keep people engaged with your business, you need constant updates so that it is compatible with other plugins and the latest release of wordpress core.

The company that was able to do all of this and rised to the top is Divi. If you are a web dev, you've probably been living under a rock if you haven't heard of that theme. They have the tech, they have amazing support and they are always on top of their game.

If I were to emulate a business that has done it right when it comes to create a business based on wordpress, that would be The One.

Who's with me?

A successful wordpress theme business requires a good team. First comes the dev but then you need to have good design and copy to sell your stuff. You also need someone who's good at managing the money and project management. I'm ready to work on the marketing front if I can find other likeminded people who are interested in this project.

Comment below if you are interested in such venture and let's connect on slack to make it happen!

Steem On!


I know a bit about Wordpress, though not enough to fully get the idea right away - still trying to wrap my head around the blockchain tech and what could be possible - BUT, I do sense it's ideas like these for new applications that once start getting rolling and provide some examples of what can be built out as components of the ecosystem, that the whole Steem economy will really start taking off...

There's already people moving from Wordpress to Steemit. Wordpress may have started out as a blogging platform but it evolved into a full website CMS. Bloggers don't need all of those features. Rather, I would love to see more bloggers coming to Steemit. Ideally over time, Steemit would allow people to customise the look and feel of their homepages, and perhaps use some basic CSS templates on their posts.

I am but I am not very experienced in this matter.

I think I have a couple of ideas on this matter. I will try to post later.

I have also been trying to figure out how to post steem content onto a third party site. I am not sure if a wordpress theme would be the way to go, since you will have to change the way that WP accesses the back-end, which would be a major change.

I was thinking more along the lines of making an alternative to WP, using more modern technologies, with Steem as the back end.

Maybe you are right and there are major technical hurdles to this. But I think it would be worth it because the value of wordpress is the marketplace first and foremost. It well worth thinking about it.

This post just keeps on making me read more and more of your blogs crypto

re: "Creating a theme is not a one time thing. You need customer support, you need to keep people engaged with your business, you need constant updates so that it is compatible with other plugins and the latest release of wordpress core..."

one potential solution for this could be a partnership with an existing wordpress theme company that already has the infrastructure in place...

I love this idea!

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