If you need your crypto as cash in the next 12 months, I offer a suggestion of selling during this bear rally.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Today we are having an expected bounce in crypto. In my last video, I shared how I expected the total market cap to reach 75 bil. After some things I have seen since then, I personally believe it will go lower. While I do not think it is guaranteed to go lower than the 75 bil, if I had to put odds to it, I would give better than 50/50 we go down to maybe something like 50 bil.

Coins affected the most

In this decline, I do not expect all coins to be treated equally. I think bitcoin will be able to hold at about 2k, it may be challenging if we dip the full amount I am expecting, but suffice it to say, if the market declines 50% from here, I would expect bitcoin to decline less than 50%. 20% perhaps. Other coins during this period may increase even, against the market trend, but these are the exceptions. I would suggest Dash is a possible candidate to do this.

Valuation often does not matter in a bear market

When a bear market sets in, and we are headed for a larger crash, valuation of what something is worth often does not matter. When the stock market crashes, often there will be companies trading below their asset value, meaning if someone buys the company, dismantles it and sells their assets, they would turn a profit doing that. So any sort of analysis of what something is worth during a bear market does not matter. Analysis matters only in terms of long-term investing, where you are going to hold more than a year at this point. Preferably 2 years.

In the short term, I expect most all crypto to lose money.

If you need the money in the next several months consider selling now during the bounce

This is written on July 12th, 2017 and today is the bounce I am talking about selling into. If you're reading this a month later and the market has dipped something drastic already, perhaps most of the damage is done. For today, though, if you need the cash, or you are considering buying it back lower, seriously consider selling.

There were things I needed to spend on in the next 12 months, so I was forced to sell some parts of my better positions. Today.

Attitude about crypto has to change

"Crypto is still great", really I need to see people sorry they ever owned cryptocurrency before we reach the bottom. The people who came to crypto above 50 bil market cap really will comprise the shift in attitude necessary. Sorry to say it but they're the "bag holders".

Let me put it in another perspective, though, because I am a long-term investor. If you bought bitcoin at the top in 2013 and paid 1k per coin, you saw a 200% increase if you just held through the declines and sold when it hit 3k. You would still be sitting on a gain today even though you sat through an 80% decline.

It's fine being a bag holder. The best investment I ever made, I was a bag holder, a guy who had bought at the top and rode it down 50%. Had I just kept holding for 2 years and not cared, I would have made over a million dollars. Rather, I sold.

So it is fine to ride out declines if you are holding a long time.

I just issue this sort of caution in case you did need the money anytime soon.

Cash Alternative for Storing Value - Steem Dollars

If you need a store of value in a cryptocurrency which will not decline so bad, there are really two cash alternatives that crypto offers.

  • USDT (Tether)
  • SBD (Steem Dollars)

Of these two, with Steem Dollars at 99 cents right as I am typing this, I personally think Steem Dollars is the better choice. The mechanism for Steem Dollars makes it difficult for it to stay below $1 for very long. Where as with Tether, we have to consider their systems are more likely to fail since they are linked to traditional banking. Governments can and have frozen their funds in the past, resulting in declines below $1 USD.

Owning Cryptos that might hold up better

There are two cryptocurrencies I am going to suggest may hold their value well in a decline.

  • Bitcoin: Bitcoin should hold well because as people sell other cryptos, it all gets exchanged into bitcoin. Also, it's easy for outside, low information investors to buy bitcoin on a dip from their traditional banking.

  • Dash: The reason Dash should hold its value well is it has near-term positives such as the release of Dash Evolution, and later on in the bull run in crypto, Dash didn't increase too much.

Just remember! This is my opinion only and I am not responsible for your actions should you rely on anything I have said here. Do your own research. Opionions may differ about everything said here by reasonable people. All investments entail risk.

EDIT: Thanks everyone for pointing out the date is July 12 when I posted this, typo.


Another thing people could consider is buying actual physical silver or gold with BTC from JM Bullion or Provident.

Very interesting thing to consider. i've leaning towards just holding though. the one thing I've figured out is I like to trade, which I'm not good at, lol. good post!

Well thought out analysis. I definitely see Bitcoin testing the 2k mark. It will be interesting to see how much support it has there. The Fed just gave their super dovish "all is fine, nothing to see here bs", so I do see major inflows starting in the fall and feel the market will push to test new highs by the end of the year. It will be a very good thing if individual coins start to separate themselves from the pack. Right now the market is "Bitcoin" driven, akin to the FAANG stocks that consistently prop up the stock market. Good article.

I did buy some EOS this week. Really appreciate your videos/posts regarding EOS and ICOs, they were of great help.

I personally think we're about at the point where smart money is buying back in.

Good advice buddy... I am betting on dash and Litecoin

July 17th time of writing, no wonder you get awesome gains on crypto's. You can timetravel! Please teach me!

Now serious, i think this post is kind of a self fulfilling prophecy. You tell people to sell (if they need the money) and why wouldn't you self if you don't need the money to buy back later at a lower price? So you encourage people to sell. Lots of people will sell and that will cause the price to decrease. Simple as that. Let me tell you what i'm doing, i'm holding on and i really hope the price goes up, not because i would make great gains ( also a big plus ofc ) but just because i would be able to laugh at all the people who were so stupid to sell.

I don't think my content is that popular to cause a crash just because of this post.

I think holding is fine, but if you can't hold through lower dips, then it's not. A lot of people will panic sell on a lower dip so that's why I made this. I highly doubt my 32 Steemit views will move the entire crypto market.

That is true but you're also not the only one posting about this...

Thanks Ted - have resteemed you opinions here for the Team Australia crew. Out of interest, are so basing you opinions on chart movements or is it something more fundamental? SK.

I'm basing it on studying tops and bottoms from the world of the stock market. It's hard to have enough time spans in crypto to compare what is happening now with a previous point in crypto history because there simply is no reference point.

In general, until mentalities change, you generally wont find a bottom. And during the big moves down people remain hopeful. If you read above, people are still all hopeful, and I find the same in my YouTube comments, I find the same on other crypto commentary shows.

There is a lot to be hopeful about if you don't mind going lower in the markets. It's a personal decision, but to say it was the bottom that last little dip we had, I think it's too soon to call it a bottom.

Understood Ted - very good. SK.

My calendar is stuck on July 12th but this is very sobering analysis indeed. I wonder what you saw that leads you to this conclusion(?)

It is certainly wise council to get out while the gettin' is good -- short term. But you are apparently concluding that just as the precious metals have not been allowed to function as Safe Haven so far, so Crypto too will also "go down for the count." And I can even agree that those multi-billion dollar fluctuations were not small-fry investors.

So much liquidity -- POOF -- up in smoke!

The last dead cat bounce was a selling opportunity. Very likely, so is this one. Especially in the altcoin market because many altcoins are 100% speculation with very little actual users in their base.

I feel comfortable holding my LTC until August 1st. I will re-evaluate then.

Thinking about this analysis some more, we can sort of calculate a floor to the market, it doesn't mean it will hit this, it just means we could expect something like this for a true bottom:

Bitcoin - $1,800 - 30 bil market cap
Ethereum - $53 - 5 bil market cap
Ripple $0.078 - 3 bil market cap
Litecoin $28 - 1.5 bil market cap (not worth it but people value this coin for some reason)
Dash - $134 - 1 bil market cap
Other top coins left out because I see no reason for them to hold value compared to these.

About $40 bil for top cryptos

Today, these coins comprise 70 bil of the 85 bil market cap, which is 82% of the market. This gives us 2 buckets, the 70 bil top coins, and the 15 bil remaining coins.

70bil -> 40 bil
15bil -> 5 bil

40 + 5 = $45 bil "floor"

This analysis gives me some confidence the market could hold at 50 bil to 60 bil.

I'm surprised you don't see the Light in Litecoin. Don't you think it is, and will be, attached at the hip to Bitcoin? For the last six weeks "anything Bitcoin can do Litecoin can do better." Surely they will be interchangeable wherever crypto is accepted, and at lightening speed!

That's how the market treats it, but in terms of technology it is just a 2nd bitcoin, but with far less market penetration and use. It's accepted on coinbase which is why it has value. I think the value in litecoin is 100% psychological and attributed to low information investors who research crypto and hear about litecoin being like a cheaper bitcoin so they buy that instead. Tech is nothing though for it.

I think people like lite coin because it is established, works well and is cheap compared to other crypto. From what I understand it was intended to be the silver to bit coins gold and I think the two will trade in tandem from here on out.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.21
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 67873.49
ETH 3528.53
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.80