Chats With Pierre: All About Nootropics - Smart Drugs To Speed Learning / Think & Grow Rich Works

in #nootropics7 years ago

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I've been very interested in Nootropics but I've never heard anyone talk about them the way you do. I would love to give them a try for sure. As a beginner, what would be your recommendation on the first one to try? I believe that we should take advantage of the power of our brains while we can.

Great videos as always man! I just ordered Think & Grow Rich using your amazon link :) I read Napoleon Hill's the Laws of Success years ago, but now it is time to revisit these ideas.

Man that was really bizarre looking at all your upset subscribers on the comments section of your video. I don't get it its your channel you should be able to talk about whatever you want it wasn't like you were pushing it on anybody just having a discussion on something. Its funny you posted this because I just ordered a bottle of manoatomic gold have you ever tried it? I'm super into historic beliefs and am interested in proving them right or wrong and seeing if there is any actual benefits to this substance and way I can use them to help prosper in my life.

Interesting. It's not something I'm into, but I still found the video enjoyable. Keep up the great work :D

I think Nootropics are largely misunderstood by a majority of people who get into them. From what I gather by being involved in the nootropics community, may people get involved expecting increase cognitive function like you were taking NZT from the movie limitless.

Many nootropics require long periods of time taking them for full effects to manifest, but they also require work on your part to set out and take advantage of what they offer. Nootropics won't make you a genius but it will give you a slight advantage over other people who aren't taking them.

One must also make sure they take the time to properly research any, and all nootropics that they will be taking. Often times a simple good night's rest will give you a better advantage than taking nootropics will. The stack I take is Modafinil + phenylpiracetam + oxiracetam + piracetam but this is not something I take all the time.

Great post @crypt0! And what a coincidence - yesterday I wrote a post about Biohacking:
It's huge topic and your video is great introduction :) You have really great knowledge and it's great you share it. Good job! Upvoted :)

Thanks for sharing

I am really curious about different Nootropics long term intake effect and side effects as well. I know that the most common side effect could be receptors habituation which may result in desensitization. Nevertheless, I perceive Nootropics as very interesting topic which definately require more investigation.

Really beautiful .. thanks information .. hope we can cooperate .. follow me @ kingsteem .. maybe be a friend

Awesome.... What a great post thank you sir...

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