GOLD and SILVER turning Bearish? /// This is what Main Stream is saying. Do the opposite and Make out like a BANDIT.

in #gold7 years ago

I find in life that its a win/win if you do exactly the opposite of what the Laim Stream Media tells the Sheep to do. Why do you think the media is proposing Gold is about to take a hit and go down? Because they are told what to say by the conglomerates (Banks, Governments, Comex, etc.). This tells me one thing. Gold is about to go higher. Gold over the last 15 years in particular has been smashed, hashed, and bashed with one agenda in mind. Lower gold means the perception of a strong U.S. Dollar. Times almost up Bankers. We all see the signs that the dollar is in Big trouble. The dollar around the World keeps dropping against other currencies, and the debt of the U.S. has gone ballistic. Its all an act.

Here is a quote from
Allen Sykora with Kitco News
"“The primary culprit is the prospect that four of the world's five largest central banks [are] moving to tighten monetary policy,” said Richard Baker, editor of the Eureka Miner Report. He later added: “Tighter policy [and] higher bond yields with only tame inflation is kryptonite for our lustrous hero.”

Main Street investors historically have tended to be bullish, but this time the bears outnumbered the bulls by more than a two-to-one margin. Further, the 2,666 total votes cast in the online poll was the largest number since October 2016.

A total of 1,816 voters, or 68%, of online Main Street voters called for gold to fall some more over the next week. This was the most bearish that Main Street has been since July 2015, when 75% of respondents were bearish. Another 680 online voters, or 26%, say that gold will rise, while 170, or 6%, are neutral.

"Gold broke the triangle formation on the downside,” said one reader in an e-mail to Kitco News. “Therefore, I’m predicting that gold and silver will be going down for the next couple of weeks."

Meanwhile, 18 traders and analysts took part in a Kitco News Wall Street survey. Eleven voters, or 61%, see gold prices falling by the end of next week. Four voters, or 22%, were bullish, while the remaining three voters, or 17%, looked for prices to be sideways.

In last Friday's survey for the current week, 53% of Wall Street voters and 50% of Main Street expected gold to rally this week. As of 11:02 a.m. EDT, Comex August gold was down 1.1% the week to $1,242.50 an ounce.

So far in 2017 but not counting the current week, Wall Street forecasters collectively were right 16 of 24 times for a winning percentage of 67%. Main Street was right 14 of 23 times for 61%.

Sean Lusk, director of commercial hedging with Walsh Trading, is among those who look for further downside momentum.

“The path of least resistance looks lower,” Lusk said. “The dollar really took off to the downside this week. If we can’t rally off of that, it seems to me there is some continued liquidation in a market searching for the bottom.”

So, do what you want. I myself continue to purchase Silver myself. There is a bright future in Silver and Gold. Good Luck in your decision making. Just remember, Silver and Gold is REAL money. Banks can manipulate price through paper selling, but CANNOT manipulate paper into actual physical metal. Hence the Word "PRECIOUS". Cheers

The entire article is at this link from the quote above is here.

(The image above is off of google imaging). I added the Words.


Great post. I've upvoted. I'm personally looking into silver myself. I also quite like the idea of burying a chest of silver coins in the garden. Tricky to find quaity parchment to make a map though.

I highly recommend it over anything else. I things go sour in our economy you will have preservation until the next paper currency is established.

I like that idea, i just have to find a garden.

You can just find cartoonist's :p

Yep. Exactly this!!! Janet Yellen says we will not see a crisis in our lifetimes? It is time to sell now...
Great post crowe. More people need to know what's going on. (Gonna resteem this one.)



Gold doesn't actually do anything. If you invest in stocks, bonds or cryptocurrency you are buying a share of something that actually does something. If interest rates rise pehaps cash savings in current accounts will rise too? What would do better in the long run - gold or reinvested dividends? Probably the dividends.

My 2c

Here's the secret: diversification

Only a fanatic would tell you to have ALL of your savings in gold and silver. But it is the fool who would advise you to have none.

wealth preservation. That's it. Gold is insurance in case things go south in markets, currencies, etc.

Good post and I completely agree with you. I am buying silver and will continue to do so as it is very cheap right now.

Good Call hoss403. I am always amazed at the ignorance of people believing everything they read in the media. Time to pull up the boot straps and be our own bankers. Cheers, and thanks for the reply.

When things really start to go south the government is very likely to try to recall metals. According to history, don't fall for it. Bury that shit deep and reap after the reset.

Your premise is on point. The media has many gate keepers to maintain their status quo in the minds of the sheeple. So I don't listen to them at all. But if they are saying to sell, you better get out your credit card and load up :-) or at least buy some... dollar cost averaging is based on buying dips, so...

Did anyone see my Silver Contest link ?

Excellent advice. I'll check out your site.

The way I look at it, gold and silver are real money. My strategy is to make $ from crypto and invest in REAL assets such as silver and gold. The lower price is a blessing especially for our children, we accumulate they will reap the benefit :)

Good plan. Just be sure to sell out of crypto's when a run happens. I am still skeptical of crypto. Good Luck.

I don't have much to preserve, so I end up not thinking about these things much at all. But.. I find it fascinating, especially if things on my end change before some kind of crash would happen.

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