Chilcomb Down, nr Winchester, Hampshire. Reported 21st June 2016

in #cropcircles7 years ago

A new kind of “sacred geometry” was drawn in crops at Chilcomb Down near Winchester Science Centre on June 21, 2016: interesting features of its field location and nearby landscape alignments

The three most fundamental shapes of “sacred geometry” are a “Seed of Life” with 6 + 1 = 7 circles, an “Egg of Life” with 12 + 1 = 13 circles, and a “Flower of Life” with 18 + 1 = 19 circles (see flower-life). The “Seed of Life” may show a “hexagon” at its centre, owing to underlying six-fold symmetry (see

A new crop picture which appeared at Chilcomb Down on the summer solstice of June 21, 2016 showed many features relevant to “sacred geometry”. It seems to provide a general-purpose template, by which to construct all of these fundamental shapes:

To be precise, it shows a slightly-expanded “Egg of Life”, not seen previously to my knowledge in studies of “sacred geometry” on Earth. The central circle for an “Egg of Life” has been drawn about 1.5 times larger, than two rings of six circles which surround it (please see other slides on chilcombdown comments).

This crop picture is a very useful “template” for creating new forms of “sacred geometry”! For example, we can easily draw an expanded “Flower of Life” by adding six more “purple” circles, to the two rings of “blue” or “red” circles already present in an expanded “Egg of Life” (as drawn in crops on June 21):

By adding successive rings of six circles, we can change from a “Seed of Life” to an “Egg of Life” to a “Flower of Life”. Likewise by increasing the size of the central circle, in any of these shapes, from the same diameter as surrounding circles to about 1.5 times larger, we can change from a “normal” to an “expanded” form of sacred geometry.

This crop picture was drawn on June 21, 2016 along a double set of crop tramlines which point toward Winchester Science Centre nearby (as noted by a thin, white dashed line on the left):

Its central “hexagon” shape, which was created by a slight expansion of the central circle in an “Egg of Life”, points toward another group of unspecified buildings on the right (as noted by another thin, white dashed line on the right).

We used Google Earth (at latitude 51.0597o N, longitude 1.2564o W) to search for some feature of significance, where that central “hexagon” might be pointing? By doing so, we found that it points toward the “round eye” of a large “bird” image in the landscape:

The upper of two thin, white dashed lines joins this crop picture to the “eye” of a landscape “bird”. The lower of two thin, white dashed lines joins the Chilcomb Down crop picture to Winchester Science Centre on the left.

To the right of this crop picture, and slightly below, we can see a “large green triangle” in the landscape. This feature resembles many “small triangles” in the crop picture itself, and points similarly toward the “eye” of that landscape “bird”.

What is the landscape “bird” looking at? It seems to be viewing an “Egg of Life” from “sacred geometry”, when it studies Winchester Science Centre nearby (located to the left along a thin, white dashed line):

What a clever metaphor for scientific enlightenment!

In summary, this new crop picture at Chilcomb Down on June 21, 2016 seems to present us with two overlapping meanings. First it provides a useful “template” by which young children from a nearby Science Centre can draw “sacred geometry” on paper. Secondly it suggests that the process of teaching science to young children is a highly beneficial activity, which may be compared with an expanding or growing “Egg of Life”.

How long will most scientists on Earth remain narrow-minded and blind?

When will scientists on Earth, such as those who administer the Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium, begin to study such complex field patterns? Rather than ignoring them in the same way that the Pope ignored the moons of Jupiter, or phases of Venus, when these phenomena were first seen through Galileo’s small telescope in 1620?

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