You are lazy? Then read this article. You better #1

in #blog5 years ago (edited)

Are you one of those who always leaves for tomorrow what you don't have to do today? Hate getting up early? You have to do a lot of things, but grab the first distraction that comes up? Have you ever made plans to start the gym or eat better, but then give up on it all?
If you said yes to some of these questions, I want to ask you two more questions: DO YOU REALLY PROUD OF IT?
If so, I recommend that you stop reading this text here, this article is NOT FOR YOU!
But if now you answered NO, then why do you think it's cool to say that you studied for the exam only on the last day?
Which was at the gym only in the first month, then preferred to stay at home? I was on a diet, but I could not stand the weekend and hope to return to diet only on Monday?

Do you consider yourself a lazy person?

Hello, how are you? My name is Cristian, today the content of this article is strong and is for you, who is still here ...
But back again: These are all habits of people who achieve nothing in life, who will live only to either envy or applaud the success of others and this is what will happen if you continue to be proud and tell everyone how lazy you are!

And by the way, why is a person lazy? Because we are happy while dreaming ... We all want to be millionaires, have money to buy cars and a private plane, but at the same time, we don't want to do anything to achieve that. We hate having to get up early to work, and just hearing me say the word work, I bet a lot of people have already frowned. What we really enjoy is having as little effort as possible: we like to turn on the TV to watch the newspaper instead of reading it, we prefer to buy weight loss drugs or gain muscle than sweat to get these done, and many of us even We'd rather talk to people over texts or audios than meet in person. We're not at all lazy about going to parties, traveling, shopping and doing all
the other things that amuse us ... and we die too lazily to get up early, do our jobs and focus on what's really important.

The answer to the question is that no one is intrinsically lazy or not, in fact your laziness is selective, it only appears in some aspects of your life, that if you are honest with yourself, they are the ones you find most annoying. On the one hand, you hate studying, working, and learning, but love watching TV, spending money, and sleeping. Laziness is not a disease then, it is not something you have or do not have, Laziness is an excuse!
The question is: How often are you using this excuse in your life? You may want to accomplish many things in your life, but you don't want to pay the price, you don't want to pay the hours of dedication, responsibility, and hard work.
There is a word that is fashionable and that people use to say when they are leaving things for later, that word is procrastination. Just as laziness is not intrinsic, neither is procrastination!

Procrastination: Why do today what I can do tomorrow?

Come on: If I set up a meeting with you tomorrow, and let's suppose I lived far away, and said that if you showed up here at 4 am I would give you $ 1 million. Tell me what would you do?
I bet being lazy or not, procrastinating or not, I'm sure you would find a way to go 10 minutes to 4 hours you are here, standing in front of my house and looking at the clock, waiting for the door to open!
Please do not say that you are lazy or procrastinating, you only say that because it is the easiest and most widely accepted excuse for you and society.
Being lazy or procrastinating is just your personal choice based on the freedom you have.
Tell me what happens when you have a test in 2 hours?
What happens when your boss asks you to do something next morning?
What I mean is that if you no longer have freedom of choice, you do everything that needs to be done, but when it is left on its own, you do what is convenient for you in the short term, and gradually you destroy it. your life!
Look how illogical, when it is your own life that is at stake, you take action that makes it seem like you don't care about it yourself.

It takes action to reach our goals

And to solve this, 4 changes must happen to you:
1 - You have to start taking care of yourself, taking responsibility for your life.
2 - You have to have the necessary self-discipline to do what needs to be done.
3 - You have to value yourself enough to live a life!
4 - You have to have control of your life, you have to decide which way to go for your life!

Your parents have already played their part and can no longer make you do one thing or another ... Already your friends, do not get me wrong, but they want you for the hours of pleasure, they have no personal interest in your success. If you do not work out, they will be sad, but very likely it is only for a short time, they have their lives too. So the responsibility for YOUR life is totally YOUR!
Now remember how your parents made you wake up, go to school, and do anything else you didn't like ... I bet when you were a kid that worked. So start doing this with yourself right now!
What your parents did was show you the meaning of the word discipline, and what you need now is self-discipline.
Do you have to do something that will be good for you?
Then there will be no TV, no internet and no drinking, until it finishes what needs to be finished.


Not to do so is to go against your own personal development. And speaking of personal development, imagine that you have a very challenging job to
do for next month, which will be very charged and that will surely get you out of
your comfort zone. But along with that, we have an entire industry that spends millions of dollars on research and testing to figure out what makes you stick to their system the longest, which makes you addicted to the point where you don't want to do anything else.

Want to win in life? So make it happen!

It's normal for you not to like going out of your comfort zone, and to help, you know that by your side, you have hours upon hours of content you love. But then you talk, I'll see just one episode of the series, then I do what I have to do ... I still have time, tomorrow I study ... Tomorrow I have a nice time with who I love, today I just want to play video games !
And then you finish the series, don't study and don't do what should be done in your relationships.

And why do you lie to yourself?
Don't you value yourself enough to do what you really need?
When you're lazy, procrastinating, or whatever else you name your apologies, remember this phrase:

On your last day on earth, the person you became will meet the person you could have become.

Honestly, would you be happy with this meeting?

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