Is Ice Cream a Delicacy?

in #teardrops6 years ago

Do you think ice cream is a delicacy?

That was what I read in the comment section when I woke up one morning. It was a comment from my aunt in the post that we made on facebook.


That was a post to advertise our ice cream business because my mom is starting up her ice cream business here in our baranggay. She is very happy about how her ice cream turned out. It was just supposed to be an experiment. She let us taste the first ice cream she made and, WE LIKED IT!! So, we told her to start up a business. Based on her, ice cream is not difficult to make. She said it is just very easy and, you can also earn a lot too. Especially now that it is the summer season. :)

We were thinking of a good name to put because we want to put labels on them. So, we ended up with the name "Melv's Delicacies". Melvs because, my mom's name is Melvic.

She not only offers ice cream but a lot more. She also offers mango float, leche flan, chiffon cake, chocolate chiffon cake, brownies, espasol, pichi pichi, and a lot more!!!! (Yes, my mom is really a GOOD COOK! And if I haven't told you yet, she's the BEST MOM in the world!)That is the reason why we come up with the name Melv's Delicacies so we can also cover up all those foods that she make.

But, with that comment that we got from the ice cream post that we made, it was like a slap on my face. And then, I hurriedly looked up the definition of delicacy and I found this ...


I found this definition from

With that definition, I think ice cream will fall in there still.

I might also be wrong. Maybe it is not really a delicacy. I even wanted to just change the name of it so they won't be reacting. I wanted to just change it to "Melv's Specialty".

But my papa told me, "Just leave it like that. Maybe they'll say again, "Why is that special?" because you know, people will always have something to say."

Which is, very true!

Well, What do you think? Is ice cream a delicacy? Comment down please.. Thank you.. :)


Select me friend

Sure is. It's a delightful treat!!

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I soo love ice cream!!

I don't know haha 😅

As long as it's dairy-free, gelatin-free and vegan. Otherwise icecreams are product of cruelty & violence. Isn't it @creyestxsa94?

Guys,palit na mo lami Ni,promise!


Based on the definitions you provide and how I personally interpret the term delicacies, I would say it depends. Is ice cream a rarity where you live? Or, are there certain flavors that would be considered rare or so tasty that they're highly sought after?

I mean, vanilla ice cream in and of itself would not be a delicacy here. It's everywhere really. But, not all vanilla ice cream is created equal, so some might actually qualify.

Then, I would say, is there something so unique about what your mother offers that people would crave it? Is it so amazing that others need to have it?

If I had to choose between delicacies and specialties, I'd probably go for delicacies simply because specialties could cover a wide range of things from food to whatever else someone can be good at.

I wish you all well with the tasty treats, regardless of the name. :)

Thank you so much for that very detailed explanation you have. :) :) I would think my mom's ice cream is rare because we use different ingredients than most of the ice cream they offer here. Hehe :) So, we'd really just go with delicacy then. :D :D
Thank you by the way, it is nice to see you here. :)

No problem. Glad to help, and based on what you just said, it does sound like you've got the right name.

Is it a profitable business, or is it something that's done on the side?

My wife's aunt has a little snacks and candy store (not sure what to call it) she runs out of the garage of her home down in Mexico. There, that's a pretty common thing. She works long hours every day, but as far as I know, it's enough to keep the lights on and food on the table.

It is actually a profitable business for as long as you know the techniques. :) And it is also just easy to make that is why my mom is really loving it! :D Right now, she is just trying to do experiments to put different flavors on them. :)

Ohh, so is it not that profitable?

For her aunt? Well, profitable enough to keep things going, I guess. I have no idea what her overhead or other expenses are, and I don't know what she needs for bills, but she seems to be making it.

That's awesome. If she really enjoys what's she's doing and she has the time to experiment while also being in production, that's the best of both worlds. Always need to come up with ways to innovate, either in the product itself, in production of it, or in other ways to make things faster, more efficient, etc. That way things don't become stagnant, or boring, or less fun.

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