Being Here for You - Day 164 - Daily Haiku

in #thealliance6 years ago (edited)

Being here for you
my way of showing up as
lovingly present

Part of being true to ourselves, and to others, is to live in the now, which is simply to realize and to internalize, at a visceral level that, in reality, nothing exists but the present moment.

The Past; the Future; they are mere concepts that distract us from living our lives authentically, and from being fully present at all times.

Living in the past keeps us stuck in old patterns, that too often didn't work as we'd wished the first time around, and have nothing new to offer us, in moving us forward on our path.

Living in the future prevents us from ever arriving.

Living in the now is acceptance of who we are, where we are, and with whom, while making the most of every moment, because now - this moment - is all we ever have to work with in the end.

The greatest gift you can give to anyone, including yourself, is your conscious presence.

Presence is the difference between parents speaking over their childrens' heads, ignoring (if not demeaning) them throughout the conversation; or parents who make the effort to include their children in whatever is being discussed, making allowances for their levels of maturity and understanding, and fostering the forging of strong family bonds based upon the deepest trust and respect on ALL sides.

Presence is the difference between friends or lovers fully engaged in conversation, looking into one anothers' eyes and souls; or those who are only superficially "together," each absorbed in the screen of their own cell phone, watching videos and/or texting each other while seated at the same table, rather than actually speaking with - much less listening to or hearing - one another.

Presence, or the lack of it, can make or break ANY relationship, including the one you have with yourself.

As we adopt, and engage with more and more levels of technology, we are too often allowing our humanity to slip away in tiny increments.

People are forgetting how to spell, how to reason, how to think critically, and to think for themselves, if in fact they ever really knew.

But it need not be so.

It is possible to embrace technology and yet remain fully engaged with the real world, living life in the present moment, being fully present and authentic with those you love, and living life on your own terms.

It may not be as easy as opening a browser or sending an email, but I guarantee that, in the eternal now, it will be far more fulfilling.

And, just like the stock market, past performance is not necessarily indicative of the future.

Every moment is a new beginning.

Begin now.

#poetsunited #thirtydayhaikuchallenge #coherence #ecotrain #poetry #isleofwrite #teamgirlpowa #steemsugars #ladiesofsteemit #spirituality #ecology #naturalworld #raisingvibration #positivevibes #goodvibes #environment #flower #peace #love #tranquility #cactus #truth #integrity #truthfulness #honesty #presence #now #beinginthenow #livinginthenow


Love it!
Presence, or the lack of it, can make or break ANY relationship, including the one you have with yourself.

Forgot to mention that the photo above is one I took on 11 January 2012, about two months after we moved onto our place. Gorgeous sunset.

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