The Way You Lay Your Bed

Photo - Pexels

I'm pretty sure that we're all familiar with the popular saying that - The way you lay your bed, that's how you're going to sleep on it. This statement carries so much truth that it's been repeated for a long time now. What this statement is simply trying to remind us is that, we should make solid plans for our future, because if we don't, we'll have to bear with the consequences of not making solid plans.

It's without argument that our lives today is a product of our actions yesterday. And truthfully so, our lives tomorrow will be a product of our actions today. This begs the question - what plans are we making to secure a better tomorrow for ourselves? Are we refusing to make our beds, and expecting to sleep on a nicely made bed?

There's another popular saying that, he who fails to plan, plans to fail. That's one that should ring a bell on a thoughtful mind. And that's why both taking action and taking no action have consequences. When you as simple as fail to put pen to paper and make plans, already you're planning to fail, because you're not taking the wheels on your future.

Photo - Pexels

No one really knows what tomorrow holds, but from our experiences and experiences of people who have achieved great things in life, we know that those who make an impact on the world do not do so out of the blues. They had thought about it carefully, and had made plans to make what we see as their success, their future.

If we must have any say in what our future holds, it's in the actions we take today. We have to really do real thinking of the future that we want for ourselves, then make plans that will take us there. These plans should be realistic, so that we can have a road map to the success that we want to achieve in our lives. We have to take charge of making our beds.

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Many people will have achieve a lot of greatness today if only they have planned much more than they do now. Just as you say he who fails to plan plan to fail and he who plan to fail becomes a failure

Hi @creativeinsight
I found your proposal quite interesting. I think that not planning is one of the big problems of most people. The reality is that many of the things we plan are not going to be as they are, but at least it gives us a path to follow. And if we don't plan, life will take us anywhere.

 3 years ago 

I had never heard that saying, however I can understand very well its meaning, and it is reasonable that it is so, in fact if you are going to sleep in a messy bed so should be your daily life.

In my home I was always told early in the morning when I woke up that I should make the bed and I always keep that habit in mind.

Greetings friend! I believe your essay is a nightmare for any overthinker since while resting in bed, all of one's thoughts about life and the future come to mind.
But, in this situation, sleeping is the greatest option; worrying doesn't make things any easier; in fact, it makes things even more difficult.
It's fantastic to discuss about such a topic, and I appreciate you sharing your thoughts.

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