Just Don't Give Up

Photo - Unsplash

It's always tougher at the finish line. Have you ever watched a race? You'll notice that there's always an intensity towards the finish line. And I don't know if you've ever ran a marathon before, it feels like the world is on your shoulders just about when you see the finish line. That's how success is, there's a line between successful and unsuccessful people.

Successful people will not stop, in fact they'll put in more of their strength when they see the finish line. And they want to cross that line. They don't give up. Hence, they become successful. On the contrary, unsuccessful people, tend to let fear overwhelm them when they see the finish line, and instead of putting in more strength, they're losing strength.

But the choice is yours, it's all the mind, it all depends on what you want for yourself, and how determined you are to make that a reality.

Life is in itself like a marathon, some people give up just a few minutes after the starting point, some people give up, at the middle. While some people don't give up, no matter how much their feet hurt. They make sure to cross the finish line.

Photo - Unsplash

Crossing the finish line is what makes the success. It's not necessarily you coming first, but crossing the finish line. If you can come first, all the better, but you're a winning in the marathon race of success, when you cross the finish line.

Most times, it gets tougher when your success, is just around the corner. And you must understand - if you give up, there's no more possibility of success, but if you hold strong and not give up, no matter what, that possibility of success is still there for you.

Thanks for reading



The greatest regret one will do to itself at the journey of pursuing success is giving up when encountering failure. No matter how much difficult it look. Never give up and keep going because at the long run, you will have the last laugh over the failure when you achieve your success by not giving up

You can't give up, and expect to be successful. Thanks

Hello @creativeinsight!
Throughout life we will find ourselves in many situations and with many obstacles, however, as you say it all depends on us and what we think that will make us stay paralyzed and not move forward or put all our strength to reach the goal. The strongest survive. Greetings!

Thank you for this post, indeed, anxiety is quite a sensitive issue and varies in different realities. Those tips are really valuable to face it and look for harmony, thank you.

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