Can Pushing Back Shoot Us Forward?

in #philosophy7 years ago

There is a lot of talk about being positive versus spewing negativity, almost as though these were polar opposites. wink

There is social pressure to present a smiling facade in the face of total world war.

There is likewise a lot of pushback, curmudgeonly criticism for the glazed eyed love-and-light dogmatists. Pushback for also the torture-ennabling psychologists.

Narcissus, after all, fell in love with Echo, and both devolved into cardboard cutouts of themselves.

The larger project of the human journey, though, is to fully flesh out the pendulum's swing.

I occupy all levels of positivity and negativity as experiences sway wildly between the poles.

But I am neither.

The Sway, not the Pole, is where we humanity lives.

Movement, flux, and convergence...Resonance and dissonance. Euphoria and dysphoria. Optimism and pessimism. Realism must claim to dwell in both.

Any time the pendulum stops, it gets stuck on stupid.

"Down for you is up," sang Lou Reed. Opposites cross in the field of human consciousness. The Illuminated know this, and they provide us with adult coloring books that delineate control and enslavement as they perform ever greater circuses of double binding.

We, the People, the Children of the Earth, find ourselves mown down by elitist false polar epistemology. Left, Right, there is no center except cataclysm and war.

"And as the world moves faster
Whiplashing us around and round,
It's like a slow disaster
And people keep on falling down..."
(The Cardigans, "Godspell")

DARPA knows, that is why their former head controlled Facebook's research and development. That's why Google controls AI drone strikes. That's why Twitter shadowbans, and why YouTube strikes channels into exile. It is why we all helplessly submit to Jeff Bezos' transhumanist grocery stores, and why we buy each other Big Brother, Echo?!, or Alexa-- for Christmas.

But how can witnessing these horrorshow trends catapult us into transcendant lovingkindness? What arcane alchemy is this?

We can Pendulate exist in dual states.
We can Titrate with gentleness, resolve paradoxical states
And we can exist in Mixed States yet discern which end is UP.

It comes down to coming down.



To launch, we require a Launch Pad. To leap, we require a Springboard of groundedness.

When overwhelmed by utter despair, there is no place to go but up! And, similarly, when high on hubris, the sun will melt your wax and dump you onto the bitter dirt.

Dance lightly on the complications.
Illuminate from darkened devastations.
Turn on to independent stations.
Invest yourselves in family relations.

Whenever I read something that causes my blood to boil, I return to water, animals, plants, and soil.

A meme I saw showed a bow drawn back, to illustrate launching from a steep setback.

So when world events put their fingers on your trigger...

Go alone to Oracle Nature. She will help you figure

Out that you are neither alone nor desolate
Even cold stones and misery will tesselate
Into a mosaic floor so gorgeous and intricate
As the Grand Canyon, or a tiny infant delicate.

When other's words gore you like a feudal lance,
Stop, breathe deep, give yourself up to the significance
Of being just a grain, one small iota
Of this Universal balance in total.

Add your light to the burgeoning colorfield.


Mental food for the morning :) . Too often people dont allow themselves to be who they really are(Or DOnt know) which in turn separates them from their true emotions and feelings. (I.E they can never be mad or vise versa happy)
this seperation from being grounded as you say keeps a lot of people in mental turmoil and as we all know people in turmoil are easier to placate and more importantly manipulate. Embrace all aspects of life the negative and the positive because those are the factors that make youwho you ARE. I know this is long sorry

It is long enough for me to say Thank You! Knowing who we truly are requires so much allowing of the oppositional or paradoxical. I am so glad you read it and wrote back. "Embrace all aspects" indeed, for to do otherwise is to get stuck on stupid hehehe. Much love and cheers (well i guess also irritations and grumbles lol) on this gorgeous sunday!

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