Waternut, Buttermelon?

Hey everyone, what an interesting anomaly we have here. This last year was a tahitian watermelon, no wait it was a spanish...... oh who am I trying kid, it is an epic story and here it is.



Last season I planted tahitian butternuts as well as small round watermelons... The mistake I made was planting them in near proximity of each other. Well was it really a mistake? Once I get to munch this bad boy I will report back maybe it was not, this all depends on how it tastes I guess.



So what happened? What happened was these cross pollinated and now we simply have a cross watermelon-butternut, or I assume so anyways, one will only know for sure once I have opened it up and tasted it?



So where then does the Ripe Green Orange come from? I planted these in the citrus orchard, turns out these plants love to crawl and climb, in doing so climbed up the local citrus tree and is now look part of it.. pretty cool right?




Look carefully there just behind the leaves sits in its well camouflaged fashion my monster waternut :P


Here we have a random multi coloured mielie (corn) my first harvest of the season that I will enjoy for dinner..


Nature the incredible!

Love and light, have an amazing weekend!


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