Splinterlands Quidditch[Best Bet of Splinterlands] My Most Useful Card Purchases !

in Splinterlands4 years ago

I came across a Splinterlands post (Link) from @revisesociology recently about some of the best value cards he managed to pick up which inspired me to do the same. As it turns out, this post was part of a writing competition from @bdcommunity (Link Splinterlands Quidditch), So I figured I might as well join in the process.

The fact that you can speculate on the price of cards in Splinterlands really gives the game an extra dimension and I very much enjoy this aspect. I have been scouting the market regularly this year hoping to find some cards being sold at dumping prices with some good success.

I now have been playing daily for over a year, these are what I consider the more useful cards that I earned/bought during that period...

Level 4 Epic & Level 5 Rare Summoners

The game has 6 different classes and the summoners are pretty much the bottleneck as you can't play higher level monsters if you don't have leveled up summoners. Summoners are fairly expensive as everyone who plays the game needs them and you wil also be using these cards almost daily. The game can be quite frustrating when you start out because you want to both get a higher rank and be able to complete the daily quests without much of a hassle. If you only have 1 or 2 higher level summoners you have a good chance to get stuck with a daily quest having to use one of your lower level summoners. When this happens, you first have to grind your way down in rankings in order to have a higher chance of being matched with opponents of the same card level. Having a similar Level Summoner from each class makes the game a lot more fun as you will be good regardless of the daily quest that is thrown at you. The Daria Dragonscale is my favorite because I have a Melee centered Playstyle and it allows to play Dragon Cards along with all the other class cards.

These are the calculations of the chance you have of getting a bad daily quest given the number of summoners you own at a higher level.

You basically want to have 4 summoners at a higher level in order to make the chance of getting stuck neglectable. If you intend to play the game for years to come they are well worth investing rewards & earnings from the game into especially if you are able to pick one up at once without having to combine any cards from someone that is selling their collection at a discount.

Golden Furious Chicken

The reason why this is one of my most useful cards is pretty simple. Playing Gold cards give +10% extra DEC earnings from a match and the Furious Chicken is the only 0 mana card which makes it fit in pretty much every low mana deck. With only 1868 cards in circulation and this being one of those pretty much everyone can use, I had to pick it up every time I spotted a cheap one on the market (2$-3$) in the past. Right now I have 5 of them and with 4 of those being leased out to some of the players that signed up with my Referral Link. I also have ~100 regular Furious Chickens which are worth 0.07$ each that I'm leasing out to all my affiliate players.

Rule of The Seas

I only received 1 of these cards from the rewards back in the day and it took a long time to pull the trigger on re-investing some of my earnings in this fairly expensive card. (currently, it sets you back 18$ to have it at level 3). Even though I don't have the +1 Magic Arlic Stormbringer Water Summoner (That's also on my list but quite expensive to get it at level 5), this card is pretty much an auto-include in every Water deck.

Camila Sungazer

I have been buying up these cards systematically whenever they are selling at a low price below 3$ and even managed to pick some up under 2$. I have collected 17 of them by now with the main purpose to lease them out to my Affiliate Players.

One of the major use cases of cards I own aside from playing the game is that it allows me to offer a win-win deal to new players where I help everyone that signs up with my Referral Link by leasing them at least 30+ extra cards if they end up buying the Summoner's Spellbook to unlock rewards from the game. I have used the affiliate earnings (See latest Earnings Report) to buy more cards in order to improve the deal I'm able to offer.

The Camila Sungazer is part of is and probably one of the best cards to have as a new player because it instantly allows to play higher level cards from all classes. With only 1224 of them in circulation, I would be surprised not to see them go at higher prices in the future. In the meantime, while holding them they provide some good value to myself and new players that are getting started.

To those who are interested in trying out the game and want the best possible deal to get started, make sure to check my Sign-Up Promo Deal for August 2020 as it will help a lot to blast through the early stages of the game!

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