Study Us

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Studying ourselves is a true act of courage, and should be done by us whenever we can, analyze what we do, how we speak, what we say, what our behavior is, if we did it well or not, what we can change and what we must maintain and improve.



This is not an easy task, not at all, since recognizing our own mistakes is as difficult as changing them, but if we dare, I assure you that we will live in a pleasant and enjoyable way.

When we see within ourselves, we are left to God to transform us, to work in us, sometimes we may even fail without realizing it or without intending to do any kind of damage, but we do it and we cannot change it if we do not recognize that it is wrong. . Do we really do what we say?

Do we behave nicely with others? It is like when someone says if they had such a thing that it would help you, but when the time comes to do it, they forget what they promised one day, because that was not in their hearts, they only said it from the mouth out and because it was not in their hands help.

However, if we look within ourselves and know ourselves, we know our feelings, we will know what we can do for others and for ourselves.

Many people do not analyze themselves for fear of what they may find, without being able to understand that the real fear is not knowing and not correcting it. We must be brave to know our own being, to understand what we feel and how we think.

Courageous to accept that we can make mistakes, that the truth is not always in our hands, we may do things deceiving ourselves, believing we are doing it for others, but it turns out that we do it out of our own ego or to make ourselves noticed.

Let pride die and be humble to understand that within us there is a world to explore, and with God's help we can become a precious stone.

 3 years ago

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Hello @coronadoedgar, important reflection, thanks for sharing.

This is not an easy task, not at all, since recognizing our own mistakes is as difficult as changing them, but if we dare, I assure you that we will live in a pleasant and enjoyable way.

Although it is usually difficult to get to recognize our mistakes, when we manage to do it, an indescribable feeling of peace and well-being invades us.

Thank you, blessings.

Dios te bendiga hermano @ coronadoedgar, cuando nos examinamos con humildad Dios nos enaltece. Gálatas 6:4
Pero que cada uno examine su propia obra, y entonces tendrá motivo para gloriarse solamente con respecto a sí mismo, y no con respecto a otro.

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