White House Prepares Another Chemical Weapon False Flag Attack in Syria

in #syria7 years ago

The White House announced on Monday that they are preparing to frame Syrian President Assad for the next chemical weapon attack in Syria, essentially giving the green light to their Al-CIA-da forces to proceed with another false flag event. So who is behind this, what is at stake, and where is the attack likely to take place? Join James for this Thought For The Day as he goes over the latest information on this false flag attack and solicits your participation in an open source investigation.

White House press release announcing coming chemical weapon attack

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I'm not supporting anyone in Syria but just one rational tought. Why would Assad use the chemical weapon when it's completely useless in the war efforts and the peace efforts. Chemical gas is useless both on the battlefield and in the politics it's catastrophical. Only casulties are going to be civilians because armed groups have gas masks. It's utter nonsense that Assad, who is getting closer to peace in the country, decides to use chemical weapon in this critical moment. But that won't stop the USA gov. from false flags.

Indeed. The last time this happened, we were close to discussing a peace deal with Assad, and then somehow he decides to cross the one redline that called the deal off.

How the hell are people so gullible to believe this shit? It's a sad state of affairs.

Hi James - great to see you posting on Steemit. Back in August it was you that got me onto Steemit and it's awesome, so thanks, I owe you one!

I'm guessing you will be too busy to see this comment, but if you do, please start regularly posting on Steemit, you will make bucket loads of cash - hell I for one will upvote everything you post, and I'm a whale these days :)


Great piece James, I've been following this very closely and these tweets by the press secretary and by Nikki Haley are frightening.

Sy Hersh has once again shown that the US gov. doesn't care if there was a chemical attack or not...they just need a reason to "intervene" whether it's another Sarin gas false flag or generating sympathy through the White Helmets aka Al Queda. They seem determined to bring about a catastrophic regional war in the middle east / WW3.

great information.
keep writing.
and please follow me to support.

DPRKJones Jason Jones tweeted @ 27 Jun 2017 - 04:25 UTC

If another chemical weapon attack occurs it will be obvious the Syrian Government is not behind it. https://t.co/MiTe4ucuL2

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Wont be the first time.

Syrian rebels aim to use chemical weapons, blame Damascus – report (June 10, 2012)

14 months later...

Ghouta chemical attack (Aug 21, 2013)

Upvoted - Great post...... as usual

Viva la Corbett Report!!!
Glad I looked you up this morning. Steemit seems to be picking up

these people are playing with peoples and kids lives, so sad that those people in syria have to live in fear, humanity is gone m friends :(

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